--- Comment #67 from ---
(In reply to MirceaKitsune from comment #63)
> (In reply to iive from comment #62)
> I booted my machine with the kernel parameter panic=30 as instructed. I then
> waited for over two minutes to see if there's any sign of movement. Nothing
> happened: The machine never reboots on its own after the freeze, I still
> need to press the reset button on the computer case to restart it.
As I suspected.
It just hangs.
> I also noticed another detail worth noting: The keyboard NumLock led only
> seems to turn off after I press a key on the keyboard post freeze. So let's
> say the machine just crashed: I can wait a whole minute and the led is still
> on... then I press Control or Shift or any other key, and after roughly 3
> seconds, the led then turns off. This is always the last noticeable response
> from the PC.
Are you using USB keyboard plugged into USB port?
Your motherboard does have PS/2 ports, see if you can use the one for keyboard.
(Sometimes keyboards come with small dongle that lets you plug USB keyboard
into PS/2 port).
> Lastly I have something important to mention: Someone just replied to my
> thread about this crash on the openSUSE forum, and confirmed they're getting
> the same issue! They even posted a screenshot showing the exact same
> graphical garbage I'm noticing in various applications (colorful little
> squares littering the screen). This might be the first time someone else can
> confirm the problem, which is very exciting news if the person will provide
> us with more info.
> frequent-GPU-lockups?p=2864284#post2864284
At very least they does manage to get errors from the kernel driver before the
crash. You haven't seen such kind of errors, have you?
Still, you can share the blender trace with them. See if it causes hang for
them too. See if it hangs at the same place...
> Also, to answer iive's last point which I forgot in the previous response: I
> have temperature monitors on my desktop, and one of the Xonotic freezes
> happened just a second after I alt-tab switched back from checking it. All
> fans and temperatures were perfectly fine during that test: The CPU was
> around the typical 48°C, whereas the GPU never exceeded 68°C itself.
> Temperatures are most surely not an issue.
Chipset temperature is different than CPU and GPU.
The motherboard has a huge chips that connects the CPU with the RAM and the
PCIE slots. The GB website says it has temperature sensor on the North Bridge
and there seems to be a huge passive cooler with heat pipes on it. One leading
to a radiator on top of the MB, probably to use the PSU intake for cooling.
`sensors` should display everything that is available, even if they are not
libeled correctly.
GB like to increase the voltage a bit on their hardware, so it is more stable
when overclocked. This however means it also runs a bit hotter.
(And you need to dust off the heat sinks once or twice per year. Unless you
have special dust filters on the PC case intake vents.)
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