--- Comment #54 from MirceaKitsune <> ---
I have some very interesting results from today: As instructed, I used the
latest version of apitrace. I cloned it straight from its Github repository and
compiled it myself, then ran Xonotic through it.

Same thing: The trace always ends several seconds before the moment of the
freeze and prints an "end of file" warning in the console.

Then I decided to do something different: I ran Blender 3D through apitrace,
loading up the scene that triggered this same lockup last time. I used various
features and went into several modes which I remembered were responsible.
Eventually I got the exact same freeze as I do with Xonotic. I rebooted and
played back the Blender trace. Same story as with Xonotic: It cuts a few
seconds earlier and complains about EoF.

But there's a bizarre twist this time: When playing back the trace generated by
Blender, my system will freeze at various points during the replay! Sometimes
it freezes early, sometimes it freezes late, at other times I can replay the
whole trace without getting a freeze at all.

This is very peculiar: The crash must be occurring beyond what apitrace is even
capturing, likely something deep in the kernel or renderer which is only
triggered when the conditions are just right. What do you make of this?

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