This patchset introduces some changes such as move
tinydrm_of_find_backlight to drm_of.c and rename it to
drm_of_find_backlight for better organizational structure.
Changes in v3:
-Changed it back to a single patch for the caller in mi0283qt.c
 and the removal and renaming of the helper function.

Meghana Madhyastha (2):
  drm/tinydrm: Move tinydrm_of_find_backlight into drm_of.c
  drm/tinydrm: Add devres versions of drm_of_find_backlight

 drivers/gpu/drm/drm_of.c                       | 92 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 drivers/gpu/drm/tinydrm/core/tinydrm-helpers.c | 40 -----------
 drivers/gpu/drm/tinydrm/mi0283qt.c             |  3 +-
 include/drm/drm_of.h                           |  3 +
 include/drm/tinydrm/tinydrm-helpers.h          |  1 -
 5 files changed, 97 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-)


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