Great news!
Thanks a lot to make it happen.

I hope I am wrong.
From my understanding most x86 GPUs still
cannot work with drm_hwcomposer since
they lack of atomic mode-setting API support
required by drm_hwcomposer.
Hope this could be addressed soon since
drm_hwcomposer becomes a standard project of fd.o.

How about the gralloc?
There are also several implementations
scattered somewhere.
I think it's also important to standardize it to fd.o
and make it work with fd.o's drm_hwcomposer.

2017-09-22 7:52 GMT+08:00 Robert Foss <>:
> Hey,
> After talking to Liviu Dudau at LPC and Sean Paul & Kaveh Nasri at XDC
> it seems that we all could benefit from community maintainership of
> drm_hwcomposer.
> I'm happy to announce that drm_hwcomposer now officially is hosted on
> The chromiumos wiki entries have also been moved to

Seems I can't connect to it now...

> With this I'm hoping we'll be able to merge the changes done by intel
> in [1], but more importantly remove the need for an alternative
> implementation.
> Regarding contributions, they are accepted on the dri-devel list, using
> the patch prefix "hwc".
> Currently Sean Paul, Zach Reizner, Rob Clark, Rob Herring and Robert
> Foss have commit access. This is just the initial set, any contributor
> with a few commits under their belt is welcome to request commit
> access.
> A fd.o account is needed for to grant commit rights, one can be
> requested here:
> I would also like to thank Sean Paul for taking the initiative and
> helping out with the move.
> [1]

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