On Wed, May 31, 2017 at 7:47 PM, Daniel Mota Leite <dan...@motaleite.net> wrote:
> Hi
>         I upgraded a few weeks ago to kernel 4.11.x from 4.10.x and
> notice a drop in performance in my AMD RX480, using mesa 17.2-dev
> and a A10-7890k APU
>         the worst example is Mad Max, with vulkan i get about 80fps
> in 4.10, but about 25fps in 4.11. using openGL, i get about 50fps
> on 4.10 and about 21 fps on 4.11.
>         I also notice this on war thunder, 35fps vs 25fps. On war thunder
> i also notice that the GPU load is about 75% on 4.10 and 60% 4.11.
>         My upgrade from 4.10 to 4.11 was make oldconfig and choose
> the recomended new settings.
>         So did anyone else notice any problem? can i check anything
> first before trying a long bisect to the kernel?
> Thanks in advance for the help

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