On 04/04/17 01:17, Christian Lockley wrote:
Hi all, I'm Christian Lockley
I'm wondering if it's too late to apply for GSOC if so I understand and
will apply next year. It not, is the DRM kernel janitor position still
open? While I don't have kernel or graphics experience I do know C and
Java. If this position is available I'd like to work on the De-midlayer
drivers and/or Switch from reference/unreference to get/put projects.
Linked below is a git repo of a personal
project: https://github.com/clockley/watchdogd/
Hey Christian,
It may be too late for the GSoC, but the EVoC is still an option for you :)
Here are the application information: https://www.x.org/wiki/XorgEVoC/
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