> >> You can achieve what you want by either adding a new domain so you would 
> >> have
> >> system, vram, agp, pcidma and object can be bound to one and only one. Or 
> >> you
> >> can hack your own agp ttm backend that could bind bo to agp or pci or
> >> both at the same time depending on what you want to achieve.
> >
> > The question is how does one know which domain you want in tt_create.
> > Currenty drivers are using there dev_priv but if you have have more than
> > one option available how does one choose? Would you be okay with passing
> > in a domain flag?
> >
> Well i agree that something would be usefull there so the driver know
> which bind/unbind function it should use. Thomas i would prefer
> passing the bo to the tt_create callback but a flag is the minimum we
> need.

We can discuss this after the merge widow. Jerome your patch does fix a 
regression whereas my proposal is a enhancement. 
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