On 01/23/2017 04:42 PM, Andrzej Hajda wrote:
On 23.01.2017 10:17, Archit Taneja wrote:

On 01/20/2017 01:08 PM, Andrzej Hajda wrote:
MHL3 protocol requires registry adjustments depending on chosen video mode.
Necessary information is gathered in mode_fixup callback. In case of HDMI
video modes driver should also send special AVI and MHL infoframes.

Signed-off-by: Andrzej Hajda <a.ha...@samsung.com>
 drivers/gpu/drm/bridge/sil-sii8620.c | 249 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 drivers/gpu/drm/bridge/sil-sii8620.h |  15 ++-
 2 files changed, 231 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/bridge/sil-sii8620.c 
index 1c76905..2c7b5b9 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/bridge/sil-sii8620.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/bridge/sil-sii8620.c
@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@

 #define SII8620_BURST_BUF_LEN 288
+#define MHL1_MAX_LCLK 225000
+#define MHL3_MAX_LCLK 600000

 enum sii8620_mode {
@@ -62,6 +64,9 @@ struct sii8620 {
        struct regulator_bulk_data supplies[2];
        struct mutex lock; /* context lock, protects fields below */
        int error;
+       int pixel_clock;
+       unsigned int use_packed_pixel:1;
+       int video_code;
        enum sii8620_mode mode;
        enum sii8620_sink_type sink_type;
        u8 cbus_status;
@@ -69,7 +74,7 @@ struct sii8620 {
        u8 xstat[MHL_XDS_SIZE];
        u8 devcap[MHL_DCAP_SIZE];
        u8 xdevcap[MHL_XDC_SIZE];
-       u8 avif[19];
+       u8 avif[HDMI_INFOFRAME_SIZE(AVI)];
        struct edid *edid;
        unsigned int gen2_write_burst:1;
        enum sii8620_mt_state mt_state;
@@ -685,6 +690,40 @@ static void sii8620_burst_tx_rbuf_info(struct sii8620 
*ctx, int size)
        d->size = cpu_to_le16(size);

+static u8 sii8620_checksum(void *ptr, int size)
+       u8 *d = ptr, sum = 0;
+       while (size--)
+               sum += *d++;
+       return sum;
+static void sii8620_mhl_burst_hdr_set(struct mhl3_burst_header *h,
+       enum mhl_burst_id id)
+       h->id = cpu_to_be16(id);
+       h->total_entries = 1;
+       h->sequence_index = 1;
+static void sii8620_burst_tx_bits_per_pixel_fmt(struct sii8620 *ctx, u8 fmt)
+       struct mhl_burst_bits_per_pixel_fmt *d;
+       const int size = sizeof(*d) + sizeof(d->desc[0]);
+       d = sii8620_burst_get_tx_buf(ctx, size);
+       if (!d)
+               return;
+       sii8620_mhl_burst_hdr_set(&d->hdr, MHL_BURST_ID_BITS_PER_PIXEL_FMT);
+       d->num_entries = 1;
+       d->desc[0].stream_id = 0;
+       d->desc[0].pixel_format = fmt;
+       d->hdr.checksum -= sii8620_checksum(d, size);
 static void sii8620_burst_rx_all(struct sii8620 *ctx)
        u8 *d = ctx->burst.rx_buf;
@@ -949,32 +988,162 @@ static void sii8620_stop_video(struct sii8620 *ctx)
        sii8620_write(ctx, REG_TPI_SC, val);

+static void sii8620_set_format(struct sii8620 *ctx)
+       u8 out_fmt;
+       if (sii8620_is_mhl3(ctx)) {
+               sii8620_setbits(ctx, REG_M3_P0CTRL,
+                               BIT_M3_P0CTRL_MHL3_P0_PIXEL_MODE_PACKED,
+                               ctx->use_packed_pixel ? ~0 : 0);
+       } else {
+               if (ctx->use_packed_pixel)
+                       sii8620_write_seq_static(ctx,
+                               REG_VID_MODE, BIT_VID_MODE_M1080P,
+                               REG_MHL_TOP_CTL, BIT_MHL_TOP_CTL_MHL_PP_SEL | 1,
+                               REG_MHLTX_CTL6, 0x60
+                       );
+               else
+                       sii8620_write_seq_static(ctx,
+                               REG_VID_MODE, 0,
+                               REG_MHL_TOP_CTL, 1,
+                               REG_MHLTX_CTL6, 0xa0
+                       );
+       }
+       if (ctx->use_packed_pixel)
+               out_fmt = VAL_TPI_FORMAT(YCBCR422, FULL) |
+                       BIT_TPI_OUTPUT_CSCMODE709;
+       else
+               out_fmt = VAL_TPI_FORMAT(RGB, FULL);
+       sii8620_write_seq(ctx,
+               REG_TPI_OUTPUT, out_fmt,
+       );
+#define MHL3_VSIF_TYPE         0x81
+#define MHL3_VSIF_VERSION      0x03
+#define MHL3_VSIF_LENGTH       0x0f
+#define IEEE_OUI_MHL3          0x7CA61D
Should these be in mhl.h?

Some of these seem similar to the infoframe related defs
in include/linux/hdmi.h

Do you think there should be equivalent helpers for mhl infoframes
similar to hdmi_vendor_infoframe_init
and hdmi_vendor_infoframe_pack()?

Answer is yes, IMHO, for both questions, but since the only
documentation I have access to is vendor code I am little bit hesitant
in pushing such things into mhl header.
I am not sure if I can properly describe all fields of MHL3 VSIF
infoframe, but beside this I have no objections :)

I think it should be okay to move these in mhl.h. I think we should drop
the version macro, though. The hdmi helpers don't created macros for
the infoframe numbers either.

One thing is in case of implementing mhl infoframe helpers: where to put
them to, ie which file?

I guess we could eventually have a new mhl helper, similar to
drivers/video/hdmi.c. The mhl helper probably could sit in
the bridge folder for now, since I have only heard of MHL
being implemented as an external bridge chip.

For now, you could maybe add a comment saying that these funcs can
potentially be helpers, and give them non-sil8620 name.


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