Hi Marek, On 3 January 2017 at 23:38, Marek Olšák <maraeo at gmail.com> wrote: > I've been thinking about it, and it looks like we're gonna continue > using immutable per-BO metadata (buffer layout, tiling description, > compression flags). The reasons are that everything else is less > economical, and the current "modifier" work done in EGL/GBM is > insufficient for our hardware - we need approx. 96 bytes of metadata > for proper buffer sharing (not just for display, but also 3D interop - > MSAA, mipmapping, compression), while EGL modifiers only support 8 > bytes of metadata. However, that doesn't matter, because:
You're right that no-one attempts to describe MSAA/full-miptree layout within modifiers, and that's good because that's not what they're supposed to do. The various consumers (DRM framebuffers, EGLImages, wl_buffers, V4L2 buffers) all just work with flat, fully-resolved, 2D image blocks. If you were adding miptree detail to KMS modifiers, then I'd expect to see matching patches to, e.g., select LOD for each of the above. So I don't see how the above is relevant to the problems that the allocator solves, unless we really can scan out from (and exchange between different-vendor GPUs) far more exotic buffer formats these days. > These are the components that need to work with the BO metadata: > - Mesa driver backend > - AMDGPU kernel driver You've pretty correctly identified this though, and I'm happy to run you through how Wayland works wrt EGL and buffer interchange on IRC, if you'd like. But as DanV says, the client<->compositor protocol is entirely contained within Mesa, so you can change it entirely arbitrarily without worrying about version desync. > These are the components that should never know about the BO metadata: > - Any Mesa shared code > - EGL > - GBM > - Window system protocols > - Display servers > - DDXs Again, most of these don't seem overly relevant, since the types of allocations you're talking about are not going to transit these components in the first place. > The more components you need to change when the requirements change, > the less economical the whole thing is, and the more painful the > deployment is. I don't think anyone disagrees; the point was to write this such that no changes would be required to any of those components. As a trivial example, between the GETPLANE2 ioctl and being able to pass modifiers into GBM, Weston can now instruct Mesa to render buffers with compression or exotic tiling formats, without ever having to have specific knowledge of what those formats mean. Adding more formats doesn't mean changing Weston, because it doesn't know or care about the details. > Interop with other vendors would be trivial - the kernel drivers can > exchange buffer layouts, and DRM can have an interface for it. Describing them might not be the most difficult thing in the world, though the regret starts to pile up as, thanks to the wonders of PCI-E ARM systems, almost all of AMD / Intel / NVIDIA / ARM / Qualcomm have to be mutually aware of each other's buffer-descriptor layout, and every version thereof (sure you won't ever need more than 96 bytes, ever?). But how does that solve allocation? How does my amdgpu kernel driver 'know' whether its buffers are going to be scanned out or run through intermediate GPU composition, and furthermore whether that will happen on an AMD, Intel, or NVIDIA GPU? How does my Intel GPU know that its output will be consumed by a media encode engine as well as scanned out, so it can't use exotic tiling modes? Putting this kind of negotiation in the kernel was roundly rejected a long time ago, not least as the display pipeline arrangement is a policy decision made by userspace, frame by frame. > Userspace doesn't have to know about any of that. (It also seems kinda > dangerous to use userspace as a middle man for passing the > metadata/modifiers around) Why dangerous? If it can be dangerous, i.e. a malicious userspace driver can compromise your system, then I'd be looking at the validation in your kernel driver really ... > Speaking of compression for display, especially the separate > compression buffer: That should be fully contained in the main DMABUF > and described by the per-BO metadata. Some other drivers want to use a > separate DMABUF for the compression buffer - while that may sound good > in theory, it's not economical for the reason described above. 'Some other drivers want to use a separate DMABUF', or 'some other hardware demands the data be separate'. Same with luma/chroma plane separation. Anyway, it doesn't really matter unless you're sharing render-compression formats across vendors, and AFBC is the only case of that I know of currently. Cheers, Daniel