Am 09.09.2016 um 15:41 schrieb Deucher, Alexander:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: amd-gfx [mailto:amd-gfx-bounces at] On Behalf
>> Of Christian König
>> Sent: Friday, September 09, 2016 7:24 AM
>> To: Zhang, Hawking; Koenig, Christian; Cui, Flora; Zhou, David(ChunMing);
>> amd-gfx at
>> Cc: dri-devel at
>> Subject: Re: [PATCH 1/2] drm/ttm: remove unused placement flags
>> Hi Hawking,
>>> Removing the flag will make ttm_mem_type_from_place skip counting the
>> corresponding placement and thus have impact on mem region create and
>> bo movement.
>> And that is exactly the reason why I want to remove the unused flags.
>>> There is no guarantee that amdgpu would never introduce new memory
>> domain in future.
>> Irrelevant, if any driver wants to use additional domains it should add
>> them when they are used.
>> BTW: Why would we want to add another TTM domain? I really don't see any
>> need for that.
> We need it for the hybrid driver in the near feature and the open driver may 
> use it in the future depending on the use cases.  Removing it just makes our 
> lives more difficult for supporting dkms and distro integration for very 
> minimal gain.

Yeah, agree. The problem is I already did so without knowing that.

I will send out a V2 only removing the stuff we explicitly don't need.

Hopefully nobody will notice and question further,

> Alex
>>> Then how about keep these flags?
>> Actually we used to have automated scanners which complain about unused
>> code. I'm wondering why they don't detected that earlier.
>> Anyway any code which isn't used in a while should be removed.
>> Regards,
>> Christian.
>> Am 09.09.2016 um 12:35 schrieb Zhang, Hawking:
>>> Hi Chris,
>>> Removing the flag will make ttm_mem_type_from_place skip counting the
>> corresponding placement and thus have impact on mem region create and
>> bo movement. There is no guarantee that amdgpu would never introduce
>> new memory domain in future. In such case, I'd like to vote for keeping
>> these flags instead of adding them back when amdgpu need to add new
>> memory domain.
>>> As you mentioned that it just a two liner. And there is actually no
>> functionality break with these flags. Then how about keep these flags?
>>> Regards,
>>> Hawking
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: amd-gfx [mailto:amd-gfx-bounces at] On Behalf
>> Of Christian K?nig
>>> Sent: Friday, September 09, 2016 17:07
>>> To: Cui, Flora <Flora.Cui at>; Zhou, David(ChunMing)
>> <David1.Zhou at>
>>> Cc: amd-gfx at; dri-devel at
>>> Subject: Re: [PATCH 1/2] drm/ttm: remove unused placement flags
>>> In this case please just add them back in your tree. That should be a two
>> liner.
>>> For upstream it certainly doesn't make sense to keep them.
>>> Regards,
>>> Christian.
>>> Am 09.09.2016 um 09:01 schrieb Flora Cui:
>>>> yes. please don't do this, I need them.
>>>> On Fri, Sep 09, 2016 at 02:41:16PM +0800, zhoucm1 wrote:
>>>>> On 2016年09月08日 21:41, Christian König wrote:
>>>>>> From: Christian König <christian.koenig at>
>>>>>> Either never used or not used in quite a while.
>>>>> No, I remember Flora's Direct GMA is using them like GDS use PRIV0-2.
>>>>> And you cannot make sure there isn't no one using them in other
>>>>> closed projects, right?
>>>>> If you removed now, that obviously will break her implementation and
>>>>> brings her many troubles.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> David Zhou
>>>>>> Signed-off-by: Christian König <christian.koenig at>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>     drivers/gpu/drm/ttm/ttm_bo.c    |  2 +-
>>>>>>     include/drm/ttm/ttm_placement.h | 19 -------------------
>>>>>>     2 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 20 deletions(-)
>>>>>> diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/ttm/ttm_bo.c
>>>>>> b/drivers/gpu/drm/ttm/ttm_bo.c index bc37f02..4d2e8f2 100644
>>>>>> --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/ttm/ttm_bo.c
>>>>>> +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/ttm/ttm_bo.c
>>>>>> @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ static inline int ttm_mem_type_from_place(const
>> struct ttm_place *place,
>>>>>>     {
>>>>>>          int i;
>>>>>> -        for (i = 0; i <= TTM_PL_PRIV5; i++)
>>>>>> +        for (i = 0; i <= TTM_PL_PRIV2; i++)
>>>>>>                  if (place->flags & (1 << i)) {
>>>>>>                          *mem_type = i;
>>>>>>                          return 0;
>>>>>> diff --git a/include/drm/ttm/ttm_placement.h
>>>>>> b/include/drm/ttm/ttm_placement.h index 8ed44f9..20219d9 100644
>>>>>> --- a/include/drm/ttm/ttm_placement.h
>>>>>> +++ b/include/drm/ttm/ttm_placement.h
>>>>>> @@ -40,10 +40,6 @@
>>>>>>     #define TTM_PL_PRIV0            3
>>>>>>     #define TTM_PL_PRIV1            4
>>>>>>     #define TTM_PL_PRIV2            5
>>>>>> -#define TTM_PL_PRIV3            6
>>>>>> -#define TTM_PL_PRIV4            7
>>>>>> -#define TTM_PL_PRIV5            8
>>>>>> -#define TTM_PL_SWAPPED          15
>>>>>>     #define TTM_PL_FLAG_SYSTEM      (1 << TTM_PL_SYSTEM)
>>>>>>     #define TTM_PL_FLAG_TT          (1 << TTM_PL_TT)
>>>>>> @@ -51,10 +47,6 @@
>>>>>>     #define TTM_PL_FLAG_PRIV0       (1 << TTM_PL_PRIV0)
>>>>>>     #define TTM_PL_FLAG_PRIV1       (1 << TTM_PL_PRIV1)
>>>>>>     #define TTM_PL_FLAG_PRIV2       (1 << TTM_PL_PRIV2)
>>>>>> -#define TTM_PL_FLAG_PRIV3       (1 << TTM_PL_PRIV3)
>>>>>> -#define TTM_PL_FLAG_PRIV4       (1 << TTM_PL_PRIV4)
>>>>>> -#define TTM_PL_FLAG_PRIV5       (1 << TTM_PL_PRIV5)
>>>>>> -#define TTM_PL_FLAG_SWAPPED     (1 << TTM_PL_SWAPPED)
>>>>>>     #define TTM_PL_MASK_MEM         0x0000FFFF
>>>>>>     /*
>>>>>> @@ -72,7 +64,6 @@
>>>>>>     #define TTM_PL_FLAG_CACHED      (1 << 16)
>>>>>>     #define TTM_PL_FLAG_UNCACHED    (1 << 17)
>>>>>>     #define TTM_PL_FLAG_WC          (1 << 18)
>>>>>> -#define TTM_PL_FLAG_SHARED      (1 << 20)
>>>>>>     #define TTM_PL_FLAG_NO_EVICT    (1 << 21)
>>>>>>     #define TTM_PL_FLAG_TOPDOWN     (1 << 22)
>>>>>> @@ -82,14 +73,4 @@
>>>>>>     #define TTM_PL_MASK_MEMTYPE     (TTM_PL_MASK_MEM |
>>>>>> -/*
>>>>>> - * Access flags to be used for CPU- and GPU- mappings.
>>>>>> - * The idea is that the TTM synchronization mechanism will
>>>>>> - * allow concurrent READ access and exclusive write access.
>>>>>> - * Currently GPU- and CPU accesses are exclusive.
>>>>>> - */
>>>>>> -
>>>>>> -#define TTM_ACCESS_READ         (1 << 0)
>>>>>> -#define TTM_ACCESS_WRITE        (1 << 1)
>>>>>> -
>>>>>>     #endif
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