On 17/10/16 14:40, Laurent Pinchart wrote:
> Hello,
> On Monday 17 Oct 2016 10:33:58 Tomi Valkeinen wrote:
>> On 17/10/16 10:12, Sekhar Nori wrote:
>>> On Monday 17 October 2016 11:26 AM, Tomi Valkeinen wrote:
>>>> On 15/10/16 20:42, Sekhar Nori wrote:
>>>>>> diff --git a/arch/arm/boot/dts/da850.dtsi
>>>>>> b/arch/arm/boot/dts/da850.dtsi
>>>>>> index f79e1b9..32908ae 100644
>>>>>> --- a/arch/arm/boot/dts/da850.dtsi
>>>>>> +++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/da850.dtsi
>>>>>> @@ -399,6 +420,14 @@
>>>>>>                                  <&edma0 0 1>;
>>>>>>                          dma-names = "tx", "rx";
>>>>>>                  };
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> +                display: display at 213000 {
>>>>>> +                        compatible = "ti,am33xx-tilcdc", 
>>>>>> "ti,da850-tilcdc";
>>>>> This should instead be:
>>>>> compatible = "ti,da850-tilcdc", "ti,am33xx-tilcdc";
>>>>> as the closest match should appear first in the list.
>>>> Actually I don't think that's correct. The LCDC on da850 is not
>>>> compatible with the LCDC on AM335x. I think it should be just
>>>> "ti,da850-tilcdc".
>>> So if "ti,am33xx-tilcdc" is used, the display wont work at all? If thats
>>> the case, I wonder how the patch passed testing. Bartosz?
>> AM3 has "version 2" of LCDC, whereas DA850 is v1. They are quite
>> similar, but different.
>> The driver gets the version number from LCDC's register, and acts based
>> on that, so afaik the compatible string doesn't really affect the
>> functionality (as long as it matches).
>> But even if it works with the current driver, I don't think
>> "ti,am33xx-tilcdc" and "ti,da850-tilcdc" are compatible in the HW level.
> If the hardware provides IP revision information, how about just "ti,lcdc" ?

Maybe, and I agree that's the "correct" way, but looking at the history,
it's not just once or twice when we've suddenly found out some
difference or bug or such in an IP revision, or the integration to a
SoC, that can't be found based on the IP revision.

That's why I feel it's usually safer to have the SoC revision there in
the compatible string.

That said, we have only a few different old SoCs with LCDC (compared to,
say, OMAP DSS) so in this case perhaps just "ti,lcdc" would be fine.


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