Hi, Do you already have in mind a list of targeted driver/backend/plugin ? How do you expect to enumerate devices capabilities ? by adding a new generic ioctl or a configuration file in userland ?
Maybe it is to early for those questions but anyway I'm interested by this memory allocation thread. Regards, Benjamin 2016-10-05 1:47 GMT+02:00 James Jones <jajones at nvidia.com>: > Hello everyone, > > As many are aware, we took up the issue of surface/memory allocation at XDC > this year. The outcome of that discussion was the beginnings of a design > proposal for a library that would server as a cross-device, cross-process > surface allocator. In the past week I've started to condense some of my > notes from that discussion down to code & a design document. I've posted > the first pieces to a github repository here: > > https://github.com/cubanismo/allocator > > This isn't anything close to usable code yet. Just headers and docs, and > incomplete ones at that. However, feel free to check it out if you're > interested in discussing the design. > > Thanks, > -James > _______________________________________________ > dri-devel mailing list > dri-devel at lists.freedesktop.org > https://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/dri-devel -- Benjamin Gaignard Graphic Study Group Linaro.org â Open source software for ARM SoCs Follow Linaro: Facebook | Twitter | Blog