On 2016-11-25 03:26 PM, Felix Kuehling wrote:
> On 16-11-25 12:20 PM, Serguei Sagalovitch wrote:
>>> A white list may end up being rather complicated if it has to cover
>>> different CPU generations and system architectures. I feel this is a
>>> decision user space could easily make.
>>> Logan
>> I agreed that it is better to leave up to user space to check what is
>> working
>> and what is not. I found that write is practically always working but
>> read very
>> often not. Also sometimes system BIOS update could fix the issue.
> But is user mode always aware that P2P is going on or even possible? For
> example you may have a library reading a buffer from a file, but it
> doesn't necessarily know where that buffer is located (system memory,
> VRAM, ...) and it may not know what kind of the device the file is on
> (SATA drive, NVMe SSD, ...). The library will never know if all it gets
> is a pointer and a file descriptor.
> The library ends up calling a read system call. Then it would be up to
> the kernel to figure out the most efficient way to read the buffer from
> the file. If supported, it could use P2P between a GPU and NVMe where
> the NVMe device performs a DMA write to VRAM.
> If you put the burden of figuring out the P2P details on user mode code,
> I think it will severely limit the use cases that actually take
> advantage of it. You also risk a bunch of different implementations that
> get it wrong half the time on half the systems out there.
> Regards,
> Felix
I agreed in theory with you but I must admit that I do not know how
kernel could effectively collect all informations without running
pretty complicated tests each time on boot-up (if any configuration
changed including BIOS settings) and on pnp events. Also for efficient
way kernel needs to know performance results (and it could also
depends on clock / power mode) for read/write of each pair devices, for
double-buffering it needs to know / detect on which NUMA node
to allocate, etc. etc. Also device could be fully configured only
on the first request for access so it may be needed to change initialization