tree:   git:// topic/drm-misc
head:   3835b46e5535d9ad534776bc93670db097682556
commit: 5705670d0463423337c82d00877989e7df8b169d [1/13] drm: Track drm_mm 
allocators and show leaks on shutdown
config: i386-randconfig-i1-201645 (attached as .config)
compiler: gcc-4.8 (Debian 4.8.4-1) 4.8.4
        git checkout 5705670d0463423337c82d00877989e7df8b169d
        # save the attached .config to linux build tree
        make ARCH=i386 

All errors (new ones prefixed by >>):

>> ERROR: "depot_save_stack" [drivers/gpu/drm/drm.ko] undefined!
>> ERROR: "depot_fetch_stack" [drivers/gpu/drm/drm.ko] undefined!

0-DAY kernel test infrastructure                Open Source Technology Center                   Intel Corporation
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A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
Name: .config.gz
Type: application/gzip
Size: 33705 bytes
Desc: not available

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