
2016년 03월 24일 03:47에 Gustavo Padovan 이(가) 쓴 글:
> From: Gustavo Padovan <gustavo.padovan at collabora.co.uk>
> Hi,
> This is a first proposal to discuss the addition of in-fences support
> to DRM. It adds a new struct to fence.c to abstract the use of sync_file
> in DRM drivers. The new struct fence_collection contains a array with all
> fences that a atomic commit needs to wait on

As I mentioned already like below,

I don't see why Android specific thing is tried to propagate to Linux DRM. In 
Linux mainline, it has already implicit sync interfaces for DMA devices called 
dma fence which forces registering a fence obejct to DMABUF through a 
reservation obejct when a dmabuf object is created. However, Android sync 
driver creates a new file for a sync object and this would have different point 
of view.

Is there anyone who can explan why Android specific thing is tried to spread 
into Linux DRM? Was there any consensus to use Android sync driver - which uses 
explicit sync interfaces - as Linux standard?

Inki Dae

> /**
>  * struct fence_collection - aggregate fences together
>  * @num_fences: number of fence in the collection.
>  * @user_data: user data.
>  * @func: user callback to put user data.
>  * @fences: array of @num_fences fences.
>  */
> struct fence_collection {
>        int num_fences;
>        void *user_data;
>        collection_put_func_t func;
>        struct fence *fences[];
> };
> The fence_collection is allocated and filled by sync_file_fences_get() and
> atomic_commit helpers can use fence_collection_wait() to wait the fences to
> signal.
> These patches depends on the sync ABI rework:
> https://www.spinics.net/lists/dri-devel/msg102795.html
> and the patch to de-stage the sync framework:
> https://www.spinics.net/lists/dri-devel/msg102799.html
> I also hacked together some sync support into modetest for testing:
> https://git.collabora.com/cgit/user/padovan/libdrm.git/log/?h=atomic
>       Gustavo
> Gustavo Padovan (6):
>   drm/fence: add FENCE_FD property to planes
>   dma-buf/fence: add struct fence_collection
>   dma-buf/sync_file: add sync_file_fences_get()
>   dma-buf/fence: add fence_collection_put()
>   dma-buf/fence: add fence_collection_wait()
>   drm/fence: support fence_collection on atomic commit
>  drivers/dma-buf/fence.c             | 33 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  drivers/dma-buf/sync_file.c         | 36 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  drivers/gpu/drm/drm_atomic.c        | 13 +++++++++++++
>  drivers/gpu/drm/drm_atomic_helper.c | 10 ++++++----
>  drivers/gpu/drm/drm_crtc.c          |  7 +++++++
>  include/drm/drm_crtc.h              |  5 ++++-
>  include/linux/fence.h               | 19 +++++++++++++++++++
>  include/linux/sync_file.h           |  8 ++++++++
>  8 files changed, 126 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

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