This patch adds ioctl-errors subtest to be used for exercising prime sync ioctl
The subtest constantly interrupts via signals a function doing concurrent blit
to stress out the right usage of prime_sync_*, making sure these ioctl errors
are handled accordingly. Important to note that in case of failure (e.g. in a
case where the ioctl wouldn't try again in a return error) this test does not
reliably catch the problem with 100% of accuracy.

v2: fix prime sync direction when reading mmap'ed file.

Cc: Chris Wilson <chris at>
Signed-off-by: Tiago Vignatti <tiago.vignatti at>
 tests/prime_mmap_coherency.c | 87 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 87 insertions(+)

diff --git a/tests/prime_mmap_coherency.c b/tests/prime_mmap_coherency.c
index 180d8a4..80d1c1f 100644
--- a/tests/prime_mmap_coherency.c
+++ b/tests/prime_mmap_coherency.c
@@ -180,6 +180,88 @@ static void test_write_flush(bool expect_stale_cache)
        munmap(ptr_cpu, width * height);

+static void blit_and_cmp(void)
+       drm_intel_bo *bo_1;
+       drm_intel_bo *bo_2;
+       uint32_t *ptr_cpu;
+       uint32_t *ptr2_cpu;
+       int dma_buf_fd, dma_buf2_fd, i;
+       int local_fd;
+       drm_intel_bufmgr *local_bufmgr;
+       struct intel_batchbuffer *local_batch;
+       /* recreate process local variables */
+       local_fd = drm_open_driver(DRIVER_INTEL);
+       local_bufmgr = drm_intel_bufmgr_gem_init(local_fd, 4096);
+       igt_assert(local_bufmgr);
+       local_batch = intel_batchbuffer_alloc(local_bufmgr, 
+       igt_assert(local_batch);
+       bo_1 = drm_intel_bo_alloc(local_bufmgr, "BO 1", width * height * 4, 
+       dma_buf_fd = prime_handle_to_fd_for_mmap(local_fd, bo_1->handle);
+       igt_skip_on(errno == EINVAL);
+       ptr_cpu = mmap(NULL, width * height, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
+                       MAP_SHARED, dma_buf_fd, 0);
+       igt_assert(ptr_cpu != MAP_FAILED);
+       bo_2 = drm_intel_bo_alloc(local_bufmgr, "BO 2", width * height * 4, 
+       dma_buf2_fd = prime_handle_to_fd_for_mmap(local_fd, bo_2->handle);
+       ptr2_cpu = mmap(NULL, width * height, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
+                       MAP_SHARED, dma_buf2_fd, 0);
+       igt_assert(ptr2_cpu != MAP_FAILED);
+       /* Fill up BO 1 with '1's and BO 2 with '0's */
+       prime_sync_start(dma_buf_fd, true);
+       memset(ptr_cpu, 0x11, width * height);
+       prime_sync_end(dma_buf_fd, true);
+       prime_sync_start(dma_buf2_fd, true);
+       memset(ptr2_cpu, 0x00, width * height);
+       prime_sync_end(dma_buf2_fd, true);
+       /* Copy BO 1 into BO 2, using blitter. */
+       intel_copy_bo(local_batch, bo_2, bo_1, width * height);
+       usleep(0); /* let someone else claim the mutex */
+       /* Compare BOs. If prime_sync_* were executed properly, the caches
+        * should be synced. */
+       prime_sync_start(dma_buf2_fd, false);
+       for (i = 0; i < (width * height) / 4; i++)
+               igt_fail_on_f(ptr2_cpu[i] != 0x11111111, "Found 0x%08x at 
offset 0x%08x\n", ptr2_cpu[i], i);
+       prime_sync_end(dma_buf2_fd, false);
+       drm_intel_bo_unreference(bo_1);
+       drm_intel_bo_unreference(bo_2);
+       munmap(ptr_cpu, width * height);
+       munmap(ptr2_cpu, width * height);
+ * Constantly interrupt concurrent blits to stress out prime_sync_* and make
+ * sure these ioctl errors are handled accordingly.
+ *
+ * Important to note that in case of failure (e.g. in a case where the ioctl
+ * wouldn't try again in a return error) this test does not reliably catch the
+ * problem with 100% of accuracy.
+ */
+static void test_ioctl_errors(void)
+       int i;
+       int num_children = 8*sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN);
+       igt_fork_signal_helper();
+       igt_fork(child, num_children) {
+               for (i = 0; i < ROUNDS; i++)
+                       blit_and_cmp();
+       }
+       igt_waitchildren();
+       igt_stop_signal_helper();
 int main(int argc, char **argv)
        int i;
@@ -235,6 +317,11 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
                igt_fail_on_f(!stale, "couldn't find any stale cache lines\n");

+       igt_subtest("ioctl-errors") {
+               igt_info("exercising concurrent blit to get ioctl errors\n");
+               test_ioctl_errors();
+       }
        igt_fixture {

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