From: Christian König <>

If @signal_on_any is true the fence array signals if any fence in the array
signals, otherwise it signals when all fences in the array signal.

v2: fix signaled test and add comment suggested by Chris Wilson.

Signed-off-by: Christian König <christian.koenig at>
 drivers/dma-buf/fence-array.c | 33 +++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 include/linux/fence-array.h   |  3 ++-
 2 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/dma-buf/fence-array.c b/drivers/dma-buf/fence-array.c
index 8141217..a8731c8 100644
--- a/drivers/dma-buf/fence-array.c
+++ b/drivers/dma-buf/fence-array.c
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ static void fence_array_cb_func(struct fence *f, struct 
fence_cb *cb)

        if (atomic_dec_and_test(&array->num_pending))
+       fence_put(&array->base);

 static bool fence_array_enable_signaling(struct fence *fence)
@@ -51,10 +52,21 @@ static bool fence_array_enable_signaling(struct fence 

        for (i = 0; i < array->num_fences; ++i) {
                cb[i].array = array;
+               /*
+                * As we may report that the fence is signaled before all
+                * callbacks are complete, we need to take an additional
+                * reference count on the array so that we do not free it too
+                * early. The core fence handling will only hold the reference
+                * until we signal the array as complete (but that is now
+                * insufficient).
+                */
+               fence_get(&array->base);
                if (fence_add_callback(array->fences[i], &cb[i].cb,
-                                      fence_array_cb_func))
+                                      fence_array_cb_func)) {
+                       fence_put(&array->base);
                        if (atomic_dec_and_test(&array->num_pending))
                                return false;
+               }

        return true;
@@ -64,7 +76,7 @@ static bool fence_array_signaled(struct fence *fence)
        struct fence_array *array = to_fence_array(fence);

-       return atomic_read(&array->num_pending) == 0;
+       return atomic_read(&array->num_pending) <= 0;

 static void fence_array_release(struct fence *fence)
@@ -90,10 +102,11 @@ const struct fence_ops fence_array_ops = {

  * fence_array_create - Create a custom fence array
- * @num_fences:        [in]    number of fences to add in the array
- * @fences:    [in]    array containing the fences
- * @context:   [in]    fence context to use
- * @seqno:     [in]    sequence number to use
+ * @num_fences:                [in]    number of fences to add in the array
+ * @fences:            [in]    array containing the fences
+ * @context:           [in]    fence context to use
+ * @seqno:             [in]    sequence number to use
+ * @signal_on_any      [in]    signal on any fence in the array
  * Allocate a fence_array object and initialize the base fence with 
  * In case of error it returns NULL.
@@ -101,9 +114,13 @@ const struct fence_ops fence_array_ops = {
  * The caller should allocte the fences array with num_fences size
  * and fill it with the fences it wants to add to the object. Ownership of this
  * array is take and fence_put() is used on each fence on release.
+ *
+ * If @signal_on_any is true the fence array signals if any fence in the array
+ * signals, otherwise it signals when all fences in the array signal.
 struct fence_array *fence_array_create(int num_fences, struct fence **fences,
-                                      u64 context, unsigned seqno)
+                                      u64 context, unsigned seqno,
+                                      bool signal_on_any)
        struct fence_array *array;
        size_t size = sizeof(*array);
@@ -119,7 +136,7 @@ struct fence_array *fence_array_create(int num_fences, 
struct fence **fences,
                   context, seqno);

        array->num_fences = num_fences;
-       atomic_set(&array->num_pending, num_fences);
+       atomic_set(&array->num_pending, signal_on_any ? 1 : num_fences);
        array->fences = fences;

        return array;
diff --git a/include/linux/fence-array.h b/include/linux/fence-array.h
index 593ab98..86baaa4 100644
--- a/include/linux/fence-array.h
+++ b/include/linux/fence-array.h
@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ static inline struct fence_array *to_fence_array(struct fence 

 struct fence_array *fence_array_create(int num_fences, struct fence **fences,
-                                      u64 context, unsigned seqno);
+                                      u64 context, unsigned seqno,
+                                      bool signal_on_any);

 #endif /* __LINUX_FENCE_ARRAY_H */

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