drm_fixp_from_fraction allows us to create a fixed point directly
from a fraction, rather than creating fixed point values and dividing
later. This avoids overflow of our 64 bit value for large numbers.
drm_fixp2int_ceil allows us to return the ceiling of our fixed point

Signed-off-by: Harry Wentland <harry.wentland at amd.com>
Reviewed-by: Alex Deucher <alexander.deucher at amd.com>
 include/drm/drm_fixed.h | 54 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 52 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/include/drm/drm_fixed.h b/include/drm/drm_fixed.h
index d639049a613d..16e725c42422 100644
--- a/include/drm/drm_fixed.h
+++ b/include/drm/drm_fixed.h
@@ -73,18 +73,28 @@ static inline u32 dfixed_div(fixed20_12 A, fixed20_12 B)
 #define DRM_FIXED_ONE          (1ULL << DRM_FIXED_POINT)
+#define DRM_FIXED_EPSILON      1LL

 static inline s64 drm_int2fixp(int a)
        return ((s64)a) << DRM_FIXED_POINT;

-static inline int drm_fixp2int(int64_t a)
+static inline int drm_fixp2int(s64 a)
        return ((s64)a) >> DRM_FIXED_POINT;

-static inline unsigned drm_fixp_msbset(int64_t a)
+static inline int drm_fixp2int_ceil(s64 a)
+       if (a > 0)
+               return drm_fixp2int(a + DRM_FIXED_ALMOST_ONE);
+       else
+               return drm_fixp2int(a - DRM_FIXED_ALMOST_ONE);
+static inline unsigned drm_fixp_msbset(s64 a)
        unsigned shift, sign = (a >> 63) & 1;

@@ -136,6 +146,46 @@ static inline s64 drm_fixp_div(s64 a, s64 b)
        return result;

+static inline s64 drm_fixp_from_fraction(s64 a, s64 b)
+       s64 res;
+       bool a_neg = a < 0;
+       bool b_neg = b < 0;
+       u64 a_abs = a_neg ? -a : a;
+       u64 b_abs = b_neg ? -b : b;
+       u64 rem;
+       /* determine integer part */
+       u64 res_abs = a_abs / b_abs;
+       rem = a_abs % b_abs;
+       /* determine fractional part */
+       {
+               u32 i = DRM_FIXED_POINT;
+               do {
+                       rem <<= 1;
+                       res_abs <<= 1;
+                       if (rem >= b_abs) {
+                               res_abs |= 1;
+                               rem -= b_abs;
+                       }
+               } while (--i != 0);
+       }
+       /* round up LSB */
+       {
+               u64 summand = (rem << 1) >= b_abs;
+               res_abs += summand;
+       }
+       res = (s64) res_abs;
+       if (a_neg ^ b_neg)
+               res = -res;
+       return res;
 static inline s64 drm_fixp_exp(s64 x)
        s64 tolerance = div64_s64(DRM_FIXED_ONE, 1000000);

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