Dear Radeon Devs,

What's the support status of the  AMD FirePro W5170M and AMD FirePro
W5130M.  I'm confused as to whether these will support 'radeonsi' or
'amdgpu'.  After doing exhaustive research I've come across codenames like
Tropo XT/LE and Mars XT/LE.  On some forums a pci-id was mentioned '6821'
but I can't find this anywhere in the pcidb lists in either
'xf86-video-amdgpu' or 'xf86-video-ati'.

When I looked at the the Radeon feature matrix on [1] I'm unable to
categorize these two GPU models into any of the categories
S.Islands, C.Islands or V.Islands.  So are these GPU's supported by
'radeonsi' or by 'amdgpu'?  If they're 'radeonsi' what's the support like
for those models, can I expect relatively good performance?

Thank you!

--- Alex G.S.

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