From: Gustavo Padovan <>

Change SYNC_IOC_FILE_INFO behaviour to avoid future API breaks and
optimize buffer allocation. In the new approach the ioctl needs to be called
twice to retrieve the array of fence_infos pointed by info->sync_fence_info.

The first call should pass num_fences = 0, the kernel will then fill
info->num_fences. Userspace receives back the number of fences and
allocates a buffer size num_fences * sizeof(struct sync_fence_info) on

It then call the ioctl again passing num_fences received in info->num_fences.
The kernel checks if info->num_fences > 0 and if yes it fill
info->sync_fence_info with an array containing all fence_infos.

info->len now represents the length of the buffer sync_fence_info points
to. Also, info->sync_fence_info was converted to __u64 pointer.

An example userspace code would be:

        struct sync_file_info *info;
        int err, size, num_fences;

        info = malloc(sizeof(*info));

        memset(info, 0, sizeof(*info));

        err = ioctl(fd, SYNC_IOC_FILE_INFO, info);
        num_fences = info->num_fences;

        if (num_fences) {
                memset(info, 0, sizeof(*info));
                size = sizeof(struct sync_fence_info) * num_fences;
                info->len = size;
                info->num_fences = num_fences;
                info->sync_fence_info = (uint64_t) calloc(num_fences,

                err = ioctl(fd, SYNC_IOC_FILE_INFO, info);

Signed-off-by: Gustavo Padovan <gustavo.padovan at>
 drivers/staging/android/sync.c      | 56 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 drivers/staging/android/uapi/sync.h |  9 +++---
 2 files changed, 48 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/staging/android/sync.c b/drivers/staging/android/sync.c
index dc5f382..837cff5 100644
--- a/drivers/staging/android/sync.c
+++ b/drivers/staging/android/sync.c
@@ -502,21 +502,22 @@ static int sync_fill_fence_info(struct fence *fence, void 
*data, int size)
 static long sync_file_ioctl_fence_info(struct sync_file *sync_file,
                                        unsigned long arg)
-       struct sync_file_info *info;
+       struct sync_file_info in, *info;
+       struct sync_fence_info *fence_info;
        __u32 size;
        __u32 len = 0;
        int ret, i;

-       if (copy_from_user(&size, (void __user *)arg, sizeof(size)))
+       if (copy_from_user(&in, (void __user *)arg, sizeof(*info)))
                return -EFAULT;

-       if (size < sizeof(struct sync_file_info))
-               return -EINVAL;
+       if (in.status || strcmp(, "\0"))
+               return -EFAULT;

-       if (size > 4096)
-               size = 4096;
+       if (in.num_fences && !in.sync_fence_info)
+               return -EFAULT;

-       info = kzalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL);
+       info = kzalloc(sizeof(*info), GFP_KERNEL);
        if (!info)
                return -ENOMEM;

@@ -525,24 +526,55 @@ static long sync_file_ioctl_fence_info(struct sync_file 
        if (info->status >= 0)
                info->status = !info->status;

-       info->num_fences = sync_file->num_fences;
+       /*
+        * Passing num_fences = 0 means that userspace want to know how
+        * many fences are in the sync_file to be able to allocate a buffer to
+        * fit all sync_fence_infos and call the ioctl again with the buffer
+        * assigned to info->sync_fence_info. The second call pass the
+        * num_fences value received in the first call.
+        */
+       if (!in.num_fences)
+               goto no_fences;

-       len = sizeof(struct sync_file_info);
+       size = sync_file->num_fences * sizeof(*fence_info);
+       if (in.len != size) {
+               ret = -EFAULT;
+               goto out;
+       }
+       fence_info = kzalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL);
+       if (!fence_info) {
+               ret = -ENOMEM;
+               goto out;
+       }

        for (i = 0; i < sync_file->num_fences; ++i) {
                struct fence *fence = sync_file->cbs[i].fence;

-               ret = sync_fill_fence_info(fence, (u8 *)info + len, size - len);
+               ret = sync_fill_fence_info(fence, (u8 *)fence_info + len,
+                                          size - len);

-               if (ret < 0)
+               if (ret < 0) {
+                       kfree(fence_info);
                        goto out;
+               }

                len += ret;

+       if (copy_to_user((void __user *)in.sync_fence_info, fence_info, size)) {
+               ret = -EFAULT;
+               kfree(fence_info);
+               goto out;
+       }
        info->len = len;
+       info->sync_fence_info = (__u64) in.sync_fence_info;
+       info->num_fences = sync_file->num_fences;

-       if (copy_to_user((void __user *)arg, info, len))
+       if (copy_to_user((void __user *)arg, info, sizeof(*info)))
                ret = -EFAULT;
                ret = 0;
diff --git a/drivers/staging/android/uapi/sync.h 
index f0b41ce..9aad623 100644
--- a/drivers/staging/android/uapi/sync.h
+++ b/drivers/staging/android/uapi/sync.h
@@ -42,21 +42,20 @@ struct sync_fence_info {

  * struct sync_file_info - data returned from fence info ioctl
- * @len:       ioctl caller writes the size of the buffer its passing in.
- *             ioctl returns length of sync_file_info returned to
- *             userspace including pt_info.
  * @name:      name of fence
  * @status:    status of fence. 1: signaled 0:active <0:error
  * @num_fences number of fences in the sync_file
+ * @len:       ioctl caller writes the size of the buffer its passing in.
+ *             ioctl returns length of all fence_infos summed.
  * @sync_fence_info: array of sync_fence_info for every fence in the sync_file
 struct sync_file_info {
-       __u32   len;
        char    name[32];
        __s32   status;
        __u32   num_fences;
+       __u32   len;

-       __u8    sync_fence_info[0];
+       __u64   sync_fence_info;

 #define SYNC_IOC_MAGIC         '>'

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