---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Alex Deucher <alexdeuc...@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Feb 18, 2016 at 10:32 AM
Subject: Google Summer of Code 2016
To: "mesa-dev at lists.freedesktop.org" <mesa-dev at lists.freedesktop.org>,
"X.Org Devel List" <xorg-devel at lists.freedesktop.org>, wayland
<wayland-devel at lists.freedesktop.org>
Cc: Martin Peres <martin.peres at free.fr>


It's time to start thinking about the Google Summer of Code for 2016!
The Xorg GSoC project is open to all projects related to graphics,
windowing systems, and related technologies (Mesa, Wayland, X, input,
kernel, OpenGL, OpenCL, etc.).

For mentors and developers, please start thinking of ideas and update
your Summer of Code ideas pages.  The main Xorg page is available
If you have trouble updating it directly, let me know and I can post
your updated content.

For students, please start your community bonding.  Get on the mailing
lists and start reading code and asking questions.  Think about what
you might want to work on who would be a good mentor.  Don't be afraid
to ask questions!  You can use current and past GSoC ideas as a
starting point for your own.

If anyone has any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.



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