Adds IPU client devices for the SMFC and IC task units.

Signed-off-by: Steve Longerbeam <steve_longerbeam at>
 drivers/gpu/ipu-v3/ipu-common.c | 87 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 include/video/imx-ipu-v3.h      |  3 ++
 2 files changed, 87 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/gpu/ipu-v3/ipu-common.c b/drivers/gpu/ipu-v3/ipu-common.c
index b6ca36b..729581d 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/ipu-v3/ipu-common.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/ipu-v3/ipu-common.c
@@ -1161,18 +1161,77 @@ static struct ipu_platform_reg client_reg[] = {
                .pdata = {
                        .type = IPU_CSI,
                        .csi = 0,
-                       .dma[0] = IPUV3_CHANNEL_CSI0,
-                       .dma[1] = -EINVAL,
+                       .dma[0] = -EINVAL,
                .name = "imx-ipuv3-csi",
        }, {
                .pdata = {
                        .type = IPU_CSI,
                        .csi = 1,
+                       .dma[0] = -EINVAL,
+               },
+               .name = "imx-ipuv3-csi",
+       }, {
+               .pdata = {
+                       .type = IPU_SMFC,
+                       .smfc = 0,
+                       .dma[0] = IPUV3_CHANNEL_CSI0,
+                       .dma[1] = -EINVAL,
+               },
+               .name = "imx-ipuv3-smfc",
+       }, {
+               .pdata = {
+                       .type = IPU_SMFC,
+                       .smfc = 1,
                        .dma[0] = IPUV3_CHANNEL_CSI1,
                        .dma[1] = -EINVAL,
-               .name = "imx-ipuv3-csi",
+               .name = "imx-ipuv3-smfc",
+       }, {
+               .pdata = {
+                       .type = IPU_IC,
+                       .ic_task = IC_TASK_ENCODER,
+                       .ic = 0,
+                       .dma[0] = IPUV3_CHANNEL_IC_PRP_ENC_MEM,
+                       .dma[1] = -EINVAL,
+               },
+               .name = "imx-ipuv3-ic",
+       }, {
+               .pdata = {
+                       .type = IPU_IC,
+                       .ic_task = IC_TASK_VIEWFINDER,
+                       .ic = 0,
+                       .dma[0] = IPUV3_CHANNEL_IC_PRP_VF_MEM,
+                       .dma[1] = -EINVAL,
+               },
+               .name = "imx-ipuv3-ic",
+       }, {
+               .pdata = {
+                       .type = IPU_IC,
+                       .ic_task = IC_TASK_POST_PROCESSOR,
+                       .ic = 0,
+                       .dma[0] = IPUV3_CHANNEL_IC_PP_MEM,
+                       .dma[1] = -EINVAL,
+               },
+               .name = "imx-ipuv3-ic",
+       }, {
+               .pdata = {
+                       .type = IPU_IC,
+                       .ic_task = IC_TASK_POST_PROCESSOR,
+                       .ic = 1,
+                       .dma[0] = IPUV3_CHANNEL_IC_PP_MEM,
+                       .dma[1] = -EINVAL,
+               },
+               .name = "imx-ipuv3-ic",
+       }, {
+               .pdata = {
+                       .type = IPU_IC,
+                       .ic_task = IC_TASK_POST_PROCESSOR,
+                       .ic = 2,
+                       .dma[0] = IPUV3_CHANNEL_IC_PP_MEM,
+                       .dma[1] = -EINVAL,
+               },
+               .name = "imx-ipuv3-ic",
        }, {
                .pdata = {
                        .type = IPU_DI,
@@ -1213,6 +1272,28 @@ of_get_ipu_client_node(struct ipu_soc *ipu, struct 
ipu_platform_reg *reg)
                         "ipu%d_csi", ipu->id + 1);
                client_id = reg->pdata.csi;
+       case IPU_SMFC:
+               snprintf(node_name, sizeof(node_name), "ipu%d_smfc",
+                        ipu->id + 1);
+               client_id = reg->pdata.smfc;
+               break;
+       case IPU_IC:
+               switch (reg->pdata.ic_task) {
+               case IC_TASK_ENCODER:
+                       snprintf(node_name, sizeof(node_name),
+                                "ipu%d_ic_prpenc", ipu->id + 1);
+                       break;
+               case IC_TASK_VIEWFINDER:
+                       snprintf(node_name, sizeof(node_name),
+                                "ipu%d_ic_prpvf", ipu->id + 1);
+                       break;
+               case IC_TASK_POST_PROCESSOR:
+                       snprintf(node_name, sizeof(node_name),
+                                "ipu%d_ic_pp", ipu->id + 1);
+                       break;
+               }
+               client_id = reg->pdata.ic;
+               break;
        case IPU_DI:
                snprintf(node_name, sizeof(node_name),
                         "ipu%d_di", ipu->id + 1);
diff --git a/include/video/imx-ipu-v3.h b/include/video/imx-ipu-v3.h
index 7709af7..4e70ca4 100644
--- a/include/video/imx-ipu-v3.h
+++ b/include/video/imx-ipu-v3.h
@@ -418,6 +418,9 @@ int ipu_rot_mode_to_degrees(int *degrees, enum 
ipu_rotate_mode mode,
 struct ipu_client_platformdata {
        enum ipu_unit_type type;
        int csi;
+       int smfc;
+       int ic_task;
+       int ic;
        int di;
        int dc;
        int dp;

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