On Thu, Nov 10, 2016 at 08:23:37PM +0200, Mikko Perttunen wrote: > This series adds IOMMU support to Host1x and TegraDRM > and adds support for the VIC host1x client so that > host1x can be tested on modern Tegra platforms. > It depends on the previous fix series. The whole thing > (modulo patch order) is available as a git repository at > git://github.com/cyndis/linux.git; branch vic-v1. > > IO memory management is organized such that there are > two domains: the host1x domain and the tegradrm domain. > The host1x domain is used by the host1x engine and > contains the host1x CDMA and pushbuffers for submitted > jobs. > > The tegradrm domain is shared by all host1x units and > contains GEM objects and memory allocated by the > separate tegra_drm_alloc function. This function is > currently used to allocate space for firmware blobs > in the tegradrm domain. > > A userspace test case for VIC can be found at > https://github.com/cyndis/drm/tree/work/tegra. > The testcase is in tests/tegra and is called submit_vic. > The in-kernel firewall is not implemented for VIC; > therefore, IOMMU must be enabled for the test to pass. > > Tested with Jetson TX1 (T210). Probably works also > with Jetson TK1 (T124). Note that due to hardware changes > the testcase also needs to be changed to run properly > on T124.
What's the scope of the changes required for Tegra124? If we add the kernel bits for Tegra124 we should also have a userspace test program to exercise it. Thanks, Thierry -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: signature.asc Type: application/pgp-signature Size: 801 bytes Desc: not available URL: <https://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/dri-devel/attachments/20161205/aef4b768/attachment.sig>