Hi Lars,
On 09-04-2016 15:55, Lars-Peter Clausen wrote:
> On 04/08/2016 06:08 PM, Jose Abreu wrote:
>> Hi Lars,
>> On 08-04-2016 16:52, Lars-Peter Clausen wrote:
>>> On 04/08/2016 12:06 PM, Jose Abreu wrote:
>>>> Hi Mark,
>>>> On 07-04-2016 18:53, Mark Brown wrote:
>>>>> On Thu, Apr 07, 2016 at 05:53:59PM +0100, Jose Abreu wrote:
>>>>>> + Optional properties:
>>>>>> + - snps,use-dmaengine: If set the driver will use ALSA DMA engine. If 
>>>>>> set
>>>>>> +   it is required to use the properties 'dmas' and 'dma-names'.
>>>>> This is not a good interface, it's describing Linux internal APIs.  If
>>>>> the device needs to operate in PIO mode it should just do that.
>>>> I added this interface because there is no direct way to check if DMA is
>>>> available on the I2S controller so it is not possible to automatically 
>>>> change
>>>> between DMA and PIO mode. As the I2S controller can be built with or 
>>>> without DMA
>>>> support it is necessary to somehow check if DMA is enabled or not and 
>>>> according
>>>> to that use either ALSA DMA engine or the custom platform driver sent in 
>>>> these
>>>> patches. I did not want to remove drivers functionality so I added this 
>>>> property
>>>> to the DT. This way a user can select between DMA and PIO mode.
>>> That's OK, but you need to describe the hardware, not the indented behavior
>>> of the software driver.
>> Is this okay: "snps,use-dmaengine: Set this boolean paramater if I2S 
>> controller
>> has DMA support. If set the properties 'dmas' and 'dma-names' must be also 
>> set" ?
> The description is better. But the name of the property is still imperative
> rather then descriptive. It tells the software what should be done rather
> then describing what the hardware looks like.
> Since there is already the dmas property which is present if a DMA is
> connected and is absent when no DMA is present it should be enough to just
> check that property rather than requiring an additional one.

Ok, will then use the DMA property to decide which mode to use: PIO or DMA.

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Best regards,
Jose Miguel Abreu

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