Hello there, 1.
linux-4.6-rc2/drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/si_dpm.c:3788]: (style) Condition 'td==0' is always true Source code is    enum r600_td td = R600_TD_DFLT;    for (i = 0; i < R600_PM_NUMBER_OF_TC; i++)        WREG32(CG_FFCT_0 + (i * 4), (UTC_0(r600_utc[i]) | DTC_0(r600_dtc[i])));    if (td == R600_TD_AUTO) 2. [linux-4.6-rc2/drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/si_dpm.c:2838]: (style) Variable 'smc_result' is assigned a value that is never used. [linux-4.6-rc2/drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/si_dpm.c:3661]: (style) Variable 'backbias_response_time' is assigned a value that is never used. [linux-4.6-rc2/drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/si_dpm.c:4190]: (style) Variable 'voltage_found' is assigned a value that is never used. Regards David Binderman