--- Comment #39 from Barto <mister.freeman at> --- thanks Jose for this patch just for the record : in 2013 in llvm's bugzilla someone has already opened a bug report about the same problem ( his pentium dual core was treaten as penryn instead of core2 by llvm, which triggers bug about SSE4.1 ) : at that time the solution found by Benjamin Kramer was to fix the problem by adding the "SSE4.1 test" in /lib/Support/Host.cpp : unfortunately this fix was deleted by Craig Cooper with his commit cd83d5b5071f072882ad06cc4b904b2d27d1e54a in march 2015 gcc seems to handle this problem differently, my pentium dual core is identified as "core2" when I use "-march=native" : $ gcc -march=native -Q --help=target | grep march -march= core2 $ gcc -march=native -Q --help=target | grep sse -mno-sse4 [enabled] -msse [enabled] -msse2 [enabled] -msse2avx [disabled] -msse3 [enabled] -msse4 [disabled] -msse4.1 [disabled] -msse4.2 [disabled] -msse4a [disabled] -msse5 -msseregparm [disabled] -mssse3 [enabled] but with clang 3.7.0 the "-march=native" argument leads to "cpu penryn" with maybe the use of sse4.1 even if the CPU is a pentium dual core who doesn't support sse4.1 $ clang -v -E -march=native - "/usr/bin/clang-3.7" -cc1 -triple x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu -E -disable-free -disable-llvm-verifier -main-file-name - -mrelocation-model static -mthread-model posix -mdisable-fp-elim -fmath-errno -masm-verbose -mconstructor-aliases -munwind-tables -fuse-init-array -target-cpu penryn -target-feature -sse4a -target-feature -avx512bw -target-feature +cx16 -target-feature -tbm -target-feature -adx -target-feature -fma4 -target-feature -avx512vl -target-feature -prfchw -target-feature -bmi2 -target-feature -avx512pf -target-feature -fsgsbase -target-feature -avx -target-feature -avx512cd -target-feature -rtm -target-feature -popcnt -target-feature -fma -target-feature -bmi -target-feature -aes -target-feature -rdrnd -target-feature -sse4.1 -target-feature -sse4.2 -target-feature -avx2 -target-feature -avx512er -target-feature +sse -target-feature -lzcnt -target-feature -pclmul -target-feature -avx512f -target-feature -f16c -target-feature +ssse3 -target-feature +mmx -target-feature +cmov -- You are receiving this mail because: You are the assignee for the bug. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <>