
Want to provide more debug, but need help.

All investigations of problem provided in comment on kernel bugzilla

After that report I had conversation on irc.freenode.net#radeon.

I asked about correct initialization speakers on radeon hdmi audio card
while kms. The question is about initialization without starting Xorg
server. From my point of view KMS should provide correct audio catd to
produce music with starting any DM based on Xorg. But result is not
positive. Currently I am using weston. And have to start and kill Xorg
server before using TV speakers. TV connectd via hdmi.

Should create yet one bug report to be garbaged on kernel.bugzilla? Should
I wait till kms will be improved? Should I toss out my laptop? Are there
any chances to fix it myself?

I'd like the last one option, but have experience problems. Can't even
provide helpful debug info for Alex Deucher.

Thanks for attention,
Sergei Sinyak
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