Seems like I'm either too subtle and/or too stingy earlier.

If drmAvailable() returns false, we have two options:
 - opt for the old-schoold (dri1) and ask drm_server_info to load the
module for us, or
 - bail out, as neither drmOpenByBusid() or drmOpenByName() will be
able to open the device considering that a DRM module is not loaded.

So what I was hinting earlier was to make the above more obvious,
rather than reordering the arguments in the if clause. How does that
sound ?


On 28 May 2015 at 15:15, Daniel Kurtz <djkurtz at> wrote:
> It's not necessary if we are about to skip the rest of the if clause anyway
> because name is NULL.
> On May 28, 2015 9:14 PM, "Emil Velikov" <emil.l.velikov at> wrote:
>> On 28 May 2015 at 00:57, Joonyoung Shim <jy0922.shim at> wrote:
>> > This is to remove to open the DRM device unnecessarily as call
>> > drmAvailable() when name is NULL or drm_server_info is NULL in
>> > drmOpenWithType function.
>> >
>> Why do you believe that calling drmAvailable() is not necessary ? If
>> that's the case should one just nuke the call all together ?
>> -Emil
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