Am 27.05.2015 um 19:35 schrieb Russell King - ARM Linux:
> On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 02:45:48PM +0200, Alexander Holler wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I've just build and booted the Etnaviv driver as module with Kernel 4.0.4.
> You may wish to try using my patch set(s) at (url purposely obfuscated,
> sorry):
> http : // www . home . arm . linux . org . uk / ~rmk / cubox
> which is where I publish my Cubox-i/hummingboard patches.  My advice
> would be to grab the latest tarball (even though its against 4.1-rc1),
> and apply the etnaviv patches from it, and the appropriate DT update
> patches.
> This has all Lucas' API updates incorporated, but also a lot of fixes
> and other improvements.


Alexander Holler

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