--- Comment #47 from Nicola Mori <nicolamori at> ---
Thanks for the clarification, Christian. Could it also impact other cases, e.g.
a desktop environment with hardware accelerated visual effects? Playing a movie
while resizing or dragging a window should result in a usage pattern of GFX and
UVD that is similar to your example with movie and 3D game. I did some
experiments with my KDE desktop with OpenGL 2.0 and 3.1 visual effects, but I
didn't notice any lag (maybe it's a too light workload to show any issue).

Given the comment by Alex about the possibly buggy UVD1 hardware semaphores,
the overall satisfactory performance of the patch and the old hardware affected
by the bug I would guess that this patch likely is the final fix for this bug.
If so, when will it be mainlined (approx.)? Thanks.

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