Hello Emil,

Emil Velikov wrote:
> Might I suggest that we treat this (and your follow up utility) as a
> test ? I.e. use
> bin_PROGRAMS = \
>       exynos_fimg2d_perf
> else
> noinst_PROGRAMS = \
>       exynos_fimg2d_perf
> endif
> and amend the block below appropriately ?
sure, honestly I don't even remember why I didn't add these as tests?

> Can you add a licence to this file. Would be nice if it's covered by
> X/MIT so that *BSD folk and others can use your tool.
Will do! Even though I probably won't go with a MIT license.

> I'm suspecting that having this as a runtime option will be better.
> Something like ./exynos_fimg2d_perf --output mathematica ?
Well, I was thinking about removing the Mathematica specific code for
the submission, but I then left it in. I use Mathematica for parts of my
thesis, so it's usually my preferred tool to visualize data. I guess a
more 'open-source' friendly solution here would be to provide GnuPlot
output, but I guess I leave that to another use :)

> As a general note I would recommend keeping statements on separate lines
> (none of if (foo) far()) as it makes debugging easier.
OK, changing this.

With best wishes,

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