On 08.07.2015 18:33, Alex Deucher wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 8, 2015 at 12:31 PM, Christian König
> <deathsimple at vodafone.de> wrote:
>> On 08.07.2015 18:14, Alex Deucher wrote:
>>> On Wed, Jul 8, 2015 at 12:08 PM, Christian König
>>> <deathsimple at vodafone.de> wrote:
>>>> On 08.07.2015 17:57, Alex Deucher wrote:
>>>>> On Wed, Jul 8, 2015 at 3:56 AM, Christian König
>>>>> <deathsimple at vodafone.de>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> From: Christian König <christian.koenig at amd.com>
>>>>>> We need to allways add the VM clear duplicate of the BO_VA,
>>>>>> no matter what the old status was.
>>>>>> Signed-off-by: Christian König <christian.koenig at amd.com>
>>>>>> Test-by: hadack at gmx.de
>>>>> This patch does not apply cleanly.  It also adds an undefined label
>>>>> error_unreserve.  Is there an additional patch required?
>>>> That's possible, but I thought the depending patch would have already
>>>> been
>>>> upstream.
>>>> Can you create a drm-fixes-4.2 branch I can rebase on?
>>> http://cgit.freedesktop.org/~agd5f/linux/log/?h=drm-fixes-4.2-wip
>> Ah, here is the problem. This branch don't yet contains the fixes which went
>> upstream with 4.1.
>> What should we do? I don't want to change those patches and create a merge
>> conflict when you merge in 4.1.
> I'll rebase by tree on Linus' tree.  Dave is on vacation so his tree is 
> lagging.
Sounds good, let me know when you have updated the branch and there are 
still conflicts.


> Alex
>> Christian.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Alex
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Christian.
>>>>> Alex
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>     drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/radeon_vm.c | 34
>>>>>> ++++++++++++++++------------------
>>>>>>     1 file changed, 16 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)
>>>>>> diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/radeon_vm.c
>>>>>> b/drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/radeon_vm.c
>>>>>> index ec10533..0310965 100644
>>>>>> --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/radeon_vm.c
>>>>>> +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/radeon_vm.c
>>>>>> @@ -493,29 +493,27 @@ int radeon_vm_bo_set_addr(struct radeon_device
>>>>>> *rdev,
>>>>>>            }
>>>>>>            if (bo_va->it.start || bo_va->it.last) {
>>>>>> -               spin_lock(&vm->status_lock);
>>>>>> -               if (list_empty(&bo_va->vm_status)) {
>>>>>> -                       /* add a clone of the bo_va to clear the old
>>>>>> address */
>>>>>> -                       struct radeon_bo_va *tmp;
>>>>>> -                       spin_unlock(&vm->status_lock);
>>>>>> -                       tmp = kzalloc(sizeof(struct radeon_bo_va),
>>>>>> GFP_KERNEL);
>>>>>> -                       if (!tmp) {
>>>>>> -                               mutex_unlock(&vm->mutex);
>>>>>> -                               r = -ENOMEM;
>>>>>> -                               goto error_unreserve;
>>>>>> -                       }
>>>>>> -                       tmp->it.start = bo_va->it.start;
>>>>>> -                       tmp->it.last = bo_va->it.last;
>>>>>> -                       tmp->vm = vm;
>>>>>> -                       tmp->bo = radeon_bo_ref(bo_va->bo);
>>>>>> -                       spin_lock(&vm->status_lock);
>>>>>> -                       list_add(&tmp->vm_status, &vm->freed);
>>>>>> +               /* add a clone of the bo_va to clear the old address */
>>>>>> +               struct radeon_bo_va *tmp;
>>>>>> +               tmp = kzalloc(sizeof(struct radeon_bo_va), GFP_KERNEL);
>>>>>> +               if (!tmp) {
>>>>>> +                       mutex_unlock(&vm->mutex);
>>>>>> +                       r = -ENOMEM;
>>>>>> +                       goto error_unreserve;
>>>>>>                    }
>>>>>> -               spin_unlock(&vm->status_lock);
>>>>>> +               tmp->it.start = bo_va->it.start;
>>>>>> +               tmp->it.last = bo_va->it.last;
>>>>>> +               tmp->vm = vm;
>>>>>> +               tmp->bo = radeon_bo_ref(bo_va->bo);
>>>>>>                    interval_tree_remove(&bo_va->it, &vm->va);
>>>>>>                    bo_va->it.start = 0;
>>>>>>                    bo_va->it.last = 0;
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> +               spin_lock(&vm->status_lock);
>>>>>> +               list_del_init(&bo_va->vm_status);
>>>>>> +               list_add(&tmp->vm_status, &vm->freed);
>>>>>> +               spin_unlock(&vm->status_lock);
>>>>>>            }
>>>>>>            if (soffset || eoffset) {
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> 1.9.1

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