Linus Torvalds <torvalds at> writes:

> I'm assuming even the hdmi +5V line is under sw control at least for
> power management reasons. Maybe dpms off turns it off, and shouldn't?
> My monitor actually says "No HDMI (HML) Cable" when I do "xset dpms
> force off". Maybe that's normal, but maybe that's indicative of dpms
> turning things a bit *too* off?

How about getting a breakout cable so we can actually check the +5V
line to see when it turns off?

Total Phase makes one, although they only have the DVI ones in stock. A
couple of HDMI to DVI converters would let you use this.

I've even got an i2c protocol sniffer if you want to see what's going on
the DDC bus directly.

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