Hello Alex,

I get _today_ flickering with Mesa-demo 'geom-outlining-150'.
It worked OK last night and I've reseted Mesa git back to 5c1aac1 but NO 
Only thing is I've used LLVM  git of today, too and for GOOD result LLVM 
from 18th.
Any hints?

For the record:

'gsraytrace' (both Mesa-demo)
'gl-320-primitive-shading' (ogl-samples)

GS stuff works on r600 - NI/Turks nearly perfect (only the above 
flickering) which show corruption (first and last) or crash 'gsraytrace' 
with r600 - RV730 (AGP).

Maybe I've to add this on the open bug reports...

Great 'experience' with Evergreen+ on PCIE (Xeon X3430/16GB/all 
SSD/Fujitsu PRIMERGY TX150 S7 server-workstation) ;-)


PS I use ccache linked to /dev/shm/.ccache for LLVM as Michel suggested.

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