Since the atomic_set() macro references _ATOMIC_TYPE, undefining it
broke that macro, resulting in build errors of:
"intel_bufmgr_gem.c", line 775: undefined symbol: _ATOMIC_TYPE

Now that we're leaving the macro in the namespace, renamed it to start
with LIBDRM_ instead of _ to avoid polluting others namespace.

Regression introduced in 87fdd32c8779648 Add NetBSD atomic ops support.

Signed-off-by: Alan Coopersmith <alan.coopersmith at>
 xf86atomic.h |    9 ++++-----
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/xf86atomic.h b/xf86atomic.h
index e794af8..8c4b696 100644
--- a/xf86atomic.h
+++ b/xf86atomic.h
@@ -81,22 +81,21 @@ typedef struct {
 #define HAS_ATOMIC_OPS 1

 #if defined(__NetBSD__)
-#define _ATOMIC_TYPE int
-#define _ATOMIC_TYPE uint_t
+#define LIBDRM_ATOMIC_TYPE uint_t

-typedef struct { _ATOMIC_TYPE atomic; } atomic_t;
+typedef struct { LIBDRM_ATOMIC_TYPE atomic; } atomic_t;

 # define atomic_read(x) (int) ((x)->atomic)
-# define atomic_set(x, val) ((x)->atomic = (_ATOMIC_TYPE)(val))
+# define atomic_set(x, val) ((x)->atomic = (LIBDRM_ATOMIC_TYPE)(val))
 # define atomic_inc(x) (atomic_inc_uint (&(x)->atomic))
 # define atomic_dec_and_test(x) (atomic_dec_uint_nv(&(x)->atomic) == 0)
 # define atomic_add(x, v) (atomic_add_int(&(x)->atomic, (v)))
 # define atomic_dec(x, v) (atomic_add_int(&(x)->atomic, -(v)))
 # define atomic_cmpxchg(x, oldv, newv) atomic_cas_uint (&(x)->atomic, oldv, 

-#undef _ATOMIC_TYPE


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