Hi Thierry,

在 2015/8/25 17:15, Thierry Reding 写道:
> On Sun, Aug 23, 2015 at 06:23:14PM -0500, Rob Herring wrote:
>> On Wed, Aug 19, 2015 at 9:50 AM, Yakir Yang <ykk at rock-chips.com> wrote:
> [...]
>>> +       -analogix,link-rate:
>>> +               max link rate supported by the eDP controller.
>>> +                       LINK_RATE_1_62GBPS = 0x6, LINK_RATE_2_70GBPS = 0x0A,
>>> +                       LINK_RATE_5_40GBPS = 0x14
>> Same here. I'd rather see something like "link-rate-mbps" and use the
>> actual rate.
> There is no need whatsoever to hard-code this in DT. (e)DP provides the
> means to detect what rate the link supports and the specification
> provides guidance on how to select an appropriate one.

Hmm... could you share more about this :-)

I only find that drm_dp_link_probe() could get the panel link-rate and
num-lanes by reading the DP_DPCD_REV messag.

I don't found there are some guidance to help select the approriate one.
Beside this DT prop just indicate the max eDP controller link-rate & lanes
support, how could eDP detect them automatically?

- Yakir

>>> +       -analogix,lane-count:
>>> +               max number of lanes supported by the eDP contoller.
>>> +                       LANE_COUNT1 = 1, LANE_COUNT2 = 2, LANE_COUNT4 = 4
>> And drop the vendor prefix here.
> Same as for the link rate.
> Thierry

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