On Mon, 27 Apr 2015 14:33:45 +0300
Jyri Sarha <jsarha at ti.com> wrote:

> Have you done anything about the tda998x audio support lately?
> I was thinking of taking a shot at this now that I finally seem to have 
> some time for it. However, if you are just about to send another series 
> I'll wait for that first and see what makes the most sense after that.
> My plan is to do something really simple first. No graph bindings or 
> anything fancy like that. Just a minimal dt-binding to for audio pin 
> configuration and use simple-card for the rest. I still try to make it 
> possible to support spdif and i2s at the same time, but I can not test 
> it as I do not have such HW.
> I also try to make the ASoC part as generic as possible, so that it 
> could be reused by other HDMI encoders with spdif or i2s interface.

Hi Jyri,

I was busy on an other work, so, I did not advance on the tda998x.

If you look at the patch series, it contains 3 independant parts:
- dynamic building of the DAIs in the kirkwood audio controller,
- audio CODEC of the tda998x
- DT card based on audio graph

It seems that only the last part raised a problem.
Otherwise, the simple card works fine with the 2 first parts.

I am merging my patches in 4.1-rc1, and, as soon as I get an image on
my screen :), I will resubmit a patch series but about the tda998x
codec only.

Using i2s and s/pdif at the same time with the simple card asks for a
patch as the one I submitted in february 2014 (ASoC: simple-card: DT
fix and multi DAI links extension). As I am using my DT card, I will
not resubmit it. Eventually, the kirkwood patches are not critical.

Ken ar c'hentañ        |             ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
Jef             |               http://moinejf.free.fr/

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