On Mon, Oct 06, 2014 at 11:04:51AM +0900, Michel D?nzer wrote:
> On 05.10.2014 16:06, Chris Wilson wrote:
> >I was looking at a bug report today of intel/ati prime and noticed a
> >number of sna_share_pixmap_backing() failures (called from
> >DRI2UpdatePrime). These were failing as the request was for the scanout
> >buffer (which is tiled and so we refuse to share it, and since it is
> >already on the scanout we refuse to change tiling).
> >
> >But looking at radeon_dri2_copy_region2(), if DRI2UpdatePrime() fails,
> >the copy is aborted and the update lost. If the copy is made to the
> >normal window drawable is that enough for it to be propagated back
> >through damage tracking?
> Have you asked the reporter of that bug to test your patch?

They didn't notice the issue, presumably because it only happens quite
early in the DE startup. However, I do remember Dave mentioning what
seemed to be a similar issue: a peristent blank window. Hence the
inquisitive nature of the patch.

Chris Wilson, Intel Open Source Technology Centre

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