On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 5:40 AM, Robert Kuhn <robert at ku.hn> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using a Beaglebone black with a HDMI monitor. As far as I see the
> beaglebone uses the tilcdc driver for framebuffer (I am using the
> linux-dev-3.13.6-bone7 kernel).
> When I am correct this driver does not implement the FBIO_WAITFORVSYNC
> ioctl. Is there any other way to get the vsync in userspace or in a kernel
> module?
you probably should use the KMS interface directly, rather than fbdev.
 Then you can modeset, do actual pageflips, get vblank events, etc.

A couple examples:

modetest - test code which does not use gpu and demonstrates most of
the kms features

kmscube - simple example showing integration of gpu and kms


> Sorry for my poor english and thanks for every answer - Robert
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