On Tue, Jun 24, 2014 at 03:57:46PM +0100, Russell King - ARM Linux wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 16, 2014 at 12:11:20PM +0200, Denis Carikli wrote:
> > We need a way to pass signal polarity informations
> >   between DRM panels, and the display drivers.
> > 
> > To do that, a pol_flags field was added to drm_display_mode.
> > 
> > Signed-off-by: Denis Carikli <denis at eukrea.com>
> This patch needs an ack from the DRM people - can someone review it
> please?  This series has now been round 14 revisions and it's about
> time it was properly reviewed - or a statement made if it's
> unacceptable.

I didn't follow all of the earlier discussions around this, but it seems
to me like data-enable polarity and the pixel data edge flags are
properties of the interface rather than the video mode.

struct drm_display_mode represents the video timings and I'm not sure if
it's a good idea to extend it with this type of information.

Maybe we need to add a separate type of device to store these parameters
(much like we've done for MIPI DSI devices).

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