On 28/07/14 08:07, Daniel Vetter wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 03:48:53AM +0100, Emil Velikov wrote:
>> A few updates:
>>  - Naming the headers lists *_HEADERS caused autohell to hate us. Renamed to
>> *_H_FILES
>>  - Including the platform Android.mk files individually is not the right way
>> to do. One needs to construct an array/list of Android.mks and include it.
>>  - The series including the above fixes can be found in branch fixes+android
>> over at https://github.com/evelikov/libdrm.
> Adding Tim Gore who's working on Android.mk support for i-g-t from our
> side and probably knows whom to poke for the intel side of things for
> libdrm Android ports.
> -Daniel
Thank you Daniel,

In case it was not clear enough, some of these patches are taken from
android-ia/external/drm. The very same are written by Intel employees AFAICT
:) Would be great to hear if anyone is against the idea of getting Android.mks
in the canonical repo.


>> -Emil
>> On 27/07/14 19:25, Emil Velikov wrote:
>>> Hello list,
>>> Recently I've had a go at the Anroid builds and I felt ... inspired that
>>> there are (at least) two downstream repositories that have the relevant
>>> Android build, yet all of them use 6+month old libdrm.
>>> Making even builds a pain in the neck :'(
>>> Are there any objections if we get the android build upstream ? AFAICS
>>> it's nicely isolated from everything else + I've managed to reuse all
>>> the source/headers lists.
>>> Note that the series lacks a couple of patches from the downstream
>>> repos, yet adds support for radeon, nouveau and freedreno :)
>>> The missing fixes are - s/mmap/mmap64/, dma-bufs support + other intel
>>> specific "hacks". If people are happy with the series then we can take
>>> a look at the final bits.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Emil
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