On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 8:39 AM, ?????? ?????? <algonkvel at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello all!
> I have some spare time and knowledge in C to try to fix some bugs I am
> seeing on my machine.
> So I've checked out and compiled all git trees that I may need and now I'm
> beginning to read articles.
> And this is the point from where I don't know where to go. I want to fix
> particular bug #79806 [1].
> For me there are many places where this bug can hide - mesa? dri? radeon
> kernel module? and I just don't know whether should I start reading articles
> about mesa hacking or about dri architecture or about kernel module
> development.
> Now I think the best thing for me is to start looking through radeon kernel
> module code (I've got ingenious idea that power management resides there)
> and read more about its architecture. Is this right? I mean, I just want to
> find out, is this a right place to start looking at for this bug?

Kernel module seems like the place to start..  not sure if radeon
exposes current gpu/memory/etc clocks via sysfs somewhere?  (There is
some hwmon stuff but I've not looked too close)

Somehow, ending up back at bootup memory and gpu clocks sounds like a
fairly plausible explanation for slowdown after resume.


> P.S. Sorry for my English in case it's not good, I'm learning it now
> P.P.S. And thanks for your hard work!
> -------------------------------------------
> [1] https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=79806
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