Contexts are managed by the kernel only, so disable access to GB
context commands from user-space

Signed-off-by: Thomas Hellstrom <thellstrom at>
Reviewed-by: Brian Paul <brianp at>
Reviewed-by: Zack Ruzin <zackr at>
 drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_context.c | 222 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_execbuf.c |   5 +
 2 files changed, 227 insertions(+)

diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_context.c 
index 00ae092..308e78f 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_context.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_context.c
@@ -38,6 +38,14 @@ static void vmw_user_context_free(struct vmw_resource *res);
 static struct vmw_resource *
 vmw_user_context_base_to_res(struct ttm_base_object *base);

+static int vmw_gb_context_create(struct vmw_resource *res);
+static int vmw_gb_context_bind(struct vmw_resource *res,
+                              struct ttm_validate_buffer *val_buf);
+static int vmw_gb_context_unbind(struct vmw_resource *res,
+                                bool readback,
+                                struct ttm_validate_buffer *val_buf);
+static int vmw_gb_context_destroy(struct vmw_resource *res);
 static uint64_t vmw_user_context_size;

 static const struct vmw_user_resource_conv user_context_conv = {
@@ -62,6 +70,18 @@ static const struct vmw_res_func vmw_legacy_context_func = {
        .unbind = NULL

+static const struct vmw_res_func vmw_gb_context_func = {
+       .res_type = vmw_res_context,
+       .needs_backup = true,
+       .may_evict = true,
+       .type_name = "guest backed contexts",
+       .backup_placement = &vmw_mob_placement,
+       .create = vmw_gb_context_create,
+       .destroy = vmw_gb_context_destroy,
+       .bind = vmw_gb_context_bind,
+       .unbind = vmw_gb_context_unbind
  * Context management:
@@ -76,6 +96,16 @@ static void vmw_hw_context_destroy(struct vmw_resource *res)
        } *cmd;

+       if (res->func->destroy == vmw_gb_context_destroy) {
+               mutex_lock(&dev_priv->cmdbuf_mutex);
+               (void) vmw_gb_context_destroy(res);
+               if (dev_priv->pinned_bo != NULL &&
+                   !dev_priv->query_cid_valid)
+                       __vmw_execbuf_release_pinned_bo(dev_priv, NULL);
+               mutex_unlock(&dev_priv->cmdbuf_mutex);
+               return;
+       }
        cmd = vmw_fifo_reserve(dev_priv, sizeof(*cmd));
        if (unlikely(cmd == NULL)) {
@@ -92,6 +122,28 @@ static void vmw_hw_context_destroy(struct vmw_resource *res)
        vmw_3d_resource_dec(dev_priv, false);

+static int vmw_gb_context_init(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
+                              struct vmw_resource *res,
+                              void (*res_free) (struct vmw_resource *res))
+       int ret;
+       ret = vmw_resource_init(dev_priv, res, true,
+                               res_free, &vmw_gb_context_func);
+       res->backup_size = SVGA3D_CONTEXT_DATA_SIZE;
+       if (unlikely(ret != 0)) {
+               if (res_free)
+                       res_free(res);
+               else
+                       kfree(res);
+               return ret;
+       }
+       vmw_resource_activate(res, vmw_hw_context_destroy);
+       return 0;
 static int vmw_context_init(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
                            struct vmw_resource *res,
                            void (*res_free) (struct vmw_resource *res))
@@ -103,6 +155,9 @@ static int vmw_context_init(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
                SVGA3dCmdDefineContext body;
        } *cmd;

+       if (dev_priv->has_mob)
+               return vmw_gb_context_init(dev_priv, res, res_free);
        ret = vmw_resource_init(dev_priv, res, false,
                                res_free, &vmw_legacy_context_func);

@@ -154,6 +209,173 @@ struct vmw_resource *vmw_context_alloc(struct vmw_private 
        return (ret == 0) ? res : NULL;

+static int vmw_gb_context_create(struct vmw_resource *res)
+       struct vmw_private *dev_priv = res->dev_priv;
+       int ret;
+       struct {
+               SVGA3dCmdHeader header;
+               SVGA3dCmdDefineGBContext body;
+       } *cmd;
+       if (likely(res->id != -1))
+               return 0;
+       ret = vmw_resource_alloc_id(res);
+       if (unlikely(ret != 0)) {
+               DRM_ERROR("Failed to allocate a context id.\n");
+               goto out_no_id;
+       }
+       if (unlikely(res->id >= VMWGFX_NUM_GB_CONTEXT)) {
+               ret = -EBUSY;
+               goto out_no_fifo;
+       }
+       cmd = vmw_fifo_reserve(dev_priv, sizeof(*cmd));
+       if (unlikely(cmd == NULL)) {
+               DRM_ERROR("Failed reserving FIFO space for context "
+                         "creation.\n");
+               ret = -ENOMEM;
+               goto out_no_fifo;
+       }
+       cmd-> = SVGA_3D_CMD_DEFINE_GB_CONTEXT;
+       cmd->header.size = sizeof(cmd->body);
+       cmd->body.cid = res->id;
+       vmw_fifo_commit(dev_priv, sizeof(*cmd));
+       (void) vmw_3d_resource_inc(dev_priv, false);
+       return 0;
+       vmw_resource_release_id(res);
+       return ret;
+static int vmw_gb_context_bind(struct vmw_resource *res,
+                              struct ttm_validate_buffer *val_buf)
+       struct vmw_private *dev_priv = res->dev_priv;
+       struct {
+               SVGA3dCmdHeader header;
+               SVGA3dCmdBindGBContext body;
+       } *cmd;
+       struct ttm_buffer_object *bo = val_buf->bo;
+       BUG_ON(bo->mem.mem_type != VMW_PL_MOB);
+       cmd = vmw_fifo_reserve(dev_priv, sizeof(*cmd));
+       if (unlikely(cmd == NULL)) {
+               DRM_ERROR("Failed reserving FIFO space for context "
+                         "binding.\n");
+               return -ENOMEM;
+       }
+       cmd-> = SVGA_3D_CMD_BIND_GB_CONTEXT;
+       cmd->header.size = sizeof(cmd->body);
+       cmd->body.cid = res->id;
+       cmd->body.mobid = bo->mem.start;
+       cmd->body.validContents = res->backup_dirty;
+       res->backup_dirty = false;
+       vmw_fifo_commit(dev_priv, sizeof(*cmd));
+       return 0;
+static int vmw_gb_context_unbind(struct vmw_resource *res,
+                                bool readback,
+                                struct ttm_validate_buffer *val_buf)
+       struct vmw_private *dev_priv = res->dev_priv;
+       struct ttm_buffer_object *bo = val_buf->bo;
+       struct vmw_fence_obj *fence;
+       struct {
+               SVGA3dCmdHeader header;
+               SVGA3dCmdReadbackGBContext body;
+       } *cmd1;
+       struct {
+               SVGA3dCmdHeader header;
+               SVGA3dCmdBindGBContext body;
+       } *cmd2;
+       uint32_t submit_size;
+       uint8_t *cmd;
+       BUG_ON(bo->mem.mem_type != VMW_PL_MOB);
+       submit_size = sizeof(*cmd2) + (readback ? sizeof(*cmd1) : 0);
+       cmd = vmw_fifo_reserve(dev_priv, submit_size);
+       if (unlikely(cmd == NULL)) {
+               DRM_ERROR("Failed reserving FIFO space for context "
+                         "unbinding.\n");
+               return -ENOMEM;
+       }
+       cmd2 = (void *) cmd;
+       if (readback) {
+               cmd1 = (void *) cmd;
+               cmd1-> = SVGA_3D_CMD_READBACK_GB_CONTEXT;
+               cmd1->header.size = sizeof(cmd1->body);
+               cmd1->body.cid = res->id;
+               cmd2 = (void *) (&cmd1[1]);
+       }
+       cmd2-> = SVGA_3D_CMD_BIND_GB_CONTEXT;
+       cmd2->header.size = sizeof(cmd2->body);
+       cmd2->body.cid = res->id;
+       cmd2->body.mobid = SVGA3D_INVALID_ID;
+       vmw_fifo_commit(dev_priv, submit_size);
+       /*
+        * Create a fence object and fence the backup buffer.
+        */
+       (void) vmw_execbuf_fence_commands(NULL, dev_priv,
+                                         &fence, NULL);
+       vmw_fence_single_bo(bo, fence);
+       if (likely(fence != NULL))
+               vmw_fence_obj_unreference(&fence);
+       return 0;
+static int vmw_gb_context_destroy(struct vmw_resource *res)
+       struct vmw_private *dev_priv = res->dev_priv;
+       struct {
+               SVGA3dCmdHeader header;
+               SVGA3dCmdDestroyGBContext body;
+       } *cmd;
+       if (likely(res->id == -1))
+               return 0;
+       cmd = vmw_fifo_reserve(dev_priv, sizeof(*cmd));
+       if (unlikely(cmd == NULL)) {
+               DRM_ERROR("Failed reserving FIFO space for context "
+                         "destruction.\n");
+               return -ENOMEM;
+       }
+       cmd->header.size = sizeof(cmd->body);
+       cmd->body.cid = res->id;
+       vmw_fifo_commit(dev_priv, sizeof(*cmd));
+       if (dev_priv->query_cid == res->id)
+               dev_priv->query_cid_valid = false;
+       vmw_resource_release_id(res);
+       vmw_3d_resource_dec(dev_priv, false);
+       return 0;
  * User-space context management:
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_execbuf.c 
index 6583dd3..c2a6e48 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_execbuf.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_execbuf.c
@@ -1300,6 +1300,11 @@ static vmw_cmd_func vmw_cmd_funcs[SVGA_3D_CMD_MAX] = {
        VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_GENERATE_MIPMAPS, &vmw_cmd_invalid),
        VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_ACTIVATE_SURFACE, &vmw_cmd_invalid),
        VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_DEACTIVATE_SURFACE, &vmw_cmd_invalid),
+       VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_DEFINE_GB_CONTEXT, &vmw_cmd_invalid),
+       VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_DESTROY_GB_CONTEXT, &vmw_cmd_invalid),
+       VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_BIND_GB_CONTEXT, &vmw_cmd_invalid),
+       VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_READBACK_GB_CONTEXT, &vmw_cmd_invalid),
+       VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_INVALIDATE_GB_CONTEXT, &vmw_cmd_invalid),
        VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_BEGIN_GB_QUERY, &vmw_cmd_begin_gb_query),
        VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_END_GB_QUERY, &vmw_cmd_end_gb_query),
        VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_WAIT_FOR_GB_QUERY, &vmw_cmd_wait_gb_query),

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