Hi Julia,

On Mon, Dec 8, 2014 at 5:43 PM, Julia Lawall <julia.lawall at lip6.fr> wrote:
> On Mon, 8 Dec 2014, Julian Calaby wrote:
>> Hi Julia,
>> On Mon, Dec 8, 2014 at 6:20 AM, Julia Lawall <Julia.Lawall at lip6.fr> wrote:
>> > These patches replace what appears to be a reference to the name of the
>> > current function but is misspelled in some way by either the name of the
>> > function itself, or by %s and then __func__ in an argument list.
>> Would there be any value in doing this for _all_ cases where the
>> function name is written in a format string?
> Probably.  But there are a lot of them.  Even for the misspellings, I have
> only don about 1/3 of the cases.
> On the other hand, the misspelling have to be checked carefully, because a
> misspelling of one thing could be the correct spelling of the thing thst
> was actually intended.
> Joe, however, points out that a lot of these prints are just for function
> tracing, and could be removed.  I worked on another semantic patch that
> tries to do that.  It might be better to remove those prints completely,
> rather than sending one patch to transform them and then one patch to
> remove them after that.  That is why for this series I did only the ones
> where there was actually a problem.

Ok, that makes sense.

Either way though, this is a really interesting application of the
semantic patching. Nice work!


Julian Calaby

Email: julian.calaby at gmail.com
Profile: http://www.google.com/profiles/julian.calaby/

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