Remove the function dsi_rr_formula() that is not used anywhere.

This was partially found by using a static code analysis program called 

Signed-off-by: Rickard Strandqvist <rickard_strandqvist at>
 drivers/gpu/drm/i915/intel_dsi_pll.c |   83 +---------------------------------
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 82 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/intel_dsi_pll.c 
index fa7a6ca..20086e8 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/intel_dsi_pll.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/intel_dsi_pll.c
@@ -50,88 +50,7 @@ static const u32 lfsr_converts[] = {
        71, 35                                                  /* 91 - 92 */

-static u32 dsi_rr_formula(const struct drm_display_mode *mode,
-                         int pixel_format, int video_mode_format,
-                         int lane_count, bool eotp)
-       u32 bpp;
-       u32 hactive, vactive, hfp, hsync, hbp, vfp, vsync, vbp;
-       u32 hsync_bytes, hbp_bytes, hactive_bytes, hfp_bytes;
-       u32 bytes_per_line, bytes_per_frame;
-       u32 num_frames;
-       u32 bytes_per_x_frames, bytes_per_x_frames_x_lanes;
-       u32 dsi_bit_clock_hz;
-       u32 dsi_clk;
-       switch (pixel_format) {
-       default:
-       case VID_MODE_FORMAT_RGB888:
-       case VID_MODE_FORMAT_RGB666_LOOSE:
-               bpp = 24;
-               break;
-       case VID_MODE_FORMAT_RGB666:
-               bpp = 18;
-               break;
-       case VID_MODE_FORMAT_RGB565:
-               bpp = 16;
-               break;
-       }
-       hactive = mode->hdisplay;
-       vactive = mode->vdisplay;
-       hfp = mode->hsync_start - mode->hdisplay;
-       hsync = mode->hsync_end - mode->hsync_start;
-       hbp = mode->htotal - mode->hsync_end;
-       vfp = mode->vsync_start - mode->vdisplay;
-       vsync = mode->vsync_end - mode->vsync_start;
-       vbp = mode->vtotal - mode->vsync_end;
-       hsync_bytes = DIV_ROUND_UP(hsync * bpp, 8);
-       hbp_bytes = DIV_ROUND_UP(hbp * bpp, 8);
-       hactive_bytes = DIV_ROUND_UP(hactive * bpp, 8);
-       hfp_bytes = DIV_ROUND_UP(hfp * bpp, 8);
-       bytes_per_line = DSI_HSS_PACKET_SIZE + hsync_bytes +
-               hbp_bytes + DSI_HBP_PACKET_EXTRA_SIZE +
-               hactive_bytes + DSI_HACTIVE_PACKET_EXTRA_SIZE +
-               hfp_bytes + DSI_HFP_PACKET_EXTRA_SIZE;
-       /*
-        * XXX: Need to accurately calculate LP to HS transition timeout and add
-        * it to bytes_per_line/bytes_per_frame.
-        */
-       if (eotp && video_mode_format == VIDEO_MODE_BURST)
-               bytes_per_line += DSI_EOTP_PACKET_SIZE;
-       bytes_per_frame = vsync * bytes_per_line + vbp * bytes_per_line +
-               vactive * bytes_per_line + vfp * bytes_per_line;
-       if (eotp &&
-           (video_mode_format == VIDEO_MODE_NON_BURST_WITH_SYNC_PULSE ||
-            video_mode_format == VIDEO_MODE_NON_BURST_WITH_SYNC_EVENTS))
-               bytes_per_frame += DSI_EOTP_PACKET_SIZE;
-       num_frames = drm_mode_vrefresh(mode);
-       bytes_per_x_frames = num_frames * bytes_per_frame;
-       bytes_per_x_frames_x_lanes = bytes_per_x_frames / lane_count;
-       /* the dsi clock is divided by 2 in the hardware to get dsi ddr clock */
-       dsi_bit_clock_hz = bytes_per_x_frames_x_lanes * 8;
-       dsi_clk = dsi_bit_clock_hz / 1000;
-       if (eotp && video_mode_format == VIDEO_MODE_BURST)
-               dsi_clk *= 2;
-       return dsi_clk;
+#ifndef DSI_CLK_FROM_RR

 /* Get DSI clock from pixel clock */
 static u32 dsi_clk_from_pclk(u32 pclk, int pixel_format, int lane_count)

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