Florian Mickler <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
             Status|NEW                         |RESOLVED
         Resolution|                            |INVALID

--- Comment #6 from Florian Mickler <>  2011-03-04 20:55:16 
If userspace is feeding bad commands to the gpu it might hickup. There is not
much you can do on the kernel side about that. (Besides sanity checking the
whole command stream, I'm not shure what currently is done in that regard). But
even if you manage to do that, userspace could  still try to exploit bugs in
the gpu silicon. 

If everything humps along as good as before, I'd say the kernel has done his
homework. Under that assumption this bug will be closed as a userspace bug and
thus invalid for the kernel. 

On the other hand, if you manage to find a kernel > 2.6.32 which does not
exhibit the problem, we should probably revisit that assumption.

You might try to upgrade your userspace graphics stack and you could probably
take a look at and file a bug there. I guess there are
many of those, as the symptom (gpu lockup) would fit a lot of userspace bugs.
But if you are  able to reproduce this, it might even have a chance to get
fixed over there.

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