On Mon, 16 Aug 2010 10:22:35 +0300, Pasi Kärkkäinen <pa...@iki.fi> wrote:
> Hello,
> Do we currently have a method of profiling DRI/DRM drivers?
> I was thinking that it would be interesting to:
> 1) Execute a benchmark, or some "timedemo" of a game
> 2) See how many times each dri/drm driver function is called, 
>    maybe top 20 most often called functions, 
>    and the total cpu time used for those functions.
> So you could see that:
> 1) some function is called often, but it doesn't take much total cpu time.
> 2) some function is called just a couple of times, but it takes a lot of cpu 
> time.
> And everything in between.. would be good hints to use for optimizing the 
> apps/drivers,
> and for comparison between different versions..
> Does this make sense? 

The tool to use is called "sysprof" and is ridiculously easy to use (on
32-bit x86).  Click start, click stop, see where time was spent, go fix

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