> It is - that's just "belt and braces" stuff (also known as "defence in
> depth" :-) )

It is good to limit to just your own ca. I do this with the ldap. Was just not 
expecting it from someone having users stored in mariadb and having virtual 
users and then worrying about CA's credibility. If you use a .local you already 
skip the regular stuff and you only need to worry about intelligence agencies.

> My *real* issue (if I understand things correctly - which, there's a
> significant chance that I don't) is telling dovecot which TLS
> certificate to use to connect to the MariaDB back-end.

I don't know, would be even surprised if they support such a thing. That is why 
I have unix users that is all optimized for this type of stuff and any default 
application works fine like this.

> Mind you, that's *not* the same cert that the users use to connect to
> dovecot :-)

I was guessing that ;)


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