I see *no* space after msgid=

Check the existance of white spaces... there's no white space in what you sent

Best regards


On Thu, 17 Oct 2024, A. Schulze via dovecot wrote:


I noted today unexpected spaces after 'msgid=' in the logs, dovecot- produce. First time a message from outlook was under inspection but I found also other sources.

there was one (unanswered) question in the list archive, that may be related:

here are some samples:

lmtp(user@example)<22995><RtRIK/YvEWfTWQAAf9UaAw>: Info: save: box=INBOX/ietf/folder1/, uid=14143, msgid= <172917948321.1404061.2617721779338535905@dt-datatracker-78dc5ccf94-w8wgc>, size=7904 lmtp(us...@example.org)<23156><0cjVE809EWd0WgAAf9UaAw>: Info: save: box=INBOX/foo, uid=2632, msgid= <am0pr06mb4100d06fad74b7b33bffdaa395...@am0pr06mb4100.eurprd06.prod.outlook...., size=16755

But there are also "good" logs without the space for messages to other folders but same source (IETF in this case)

lmtp(user@example)<23143><bhcjK288EWdnWgAAf9UaAw>: Info: save: box=INBOX/ietf/folder2/, uid=567, msgid=<62424081-d68e-4334-b9a2-a62d0759c...@gulbrandsen.priv.no>, size=11394

I've no older logs to check if that happened also before updating to

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