> On 30/08/2024 16:11 EEST Nikolaos Pyrgiotis via dovecot <dovecot@dovecot.org> 
> wrote:
> We are using the Shared Mailboxes in Dovecot Cluster architecture so the 
> user`s mailbox should only be accessed by a single backend. We have been 
> running with this architecture for about 2  years with dovecot version 2.3.19 
> and we had not seen any `Inconsistency in map index` messages in the logs.
> We had already increased the default vsize_limit to 512M for the lmtp process 
> but maybe we have to increase it more if this error will be occurring 
> repeatedly.
> This is the relevant configuration stanza for the lmtp service for all 
> backends.
> service lmtp {
>   unix_listener lmtp {
>     mode = 0666
>   }
>   inet_listener lmtp-mod {
>     port = 24
>     ssl = no
> }
>   service_count = 0
>   # Number of processes to always keep waiting for more connections.
>   process_min_avail = 0
>   process_limit = 0
>   # If you set service_count=0, you probably need to grow this.
>   vsz_limit = 512M
>   client_limit = 1
> }
> But the question is what causes this inconsistency and if there is any change 
> on 2.3.21 version that might have introduced it, because we did not get any  
> similar logs on previous versions.
> When this does occur is there a chance that a mailbox might get corrupted? Is 
> the only way to safely mitigate this to wait for the index rebuild to finish?
> Thank you,
> Nikos Pyrgiotis

You can try running force-resync on the affected mailbox.

Also I would recommend upping the limit to 2G for lmtp, indexer, 
indexer-worker,lmtp etc. because otherwise user's index cache might not fit 
into memory.

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